
A Great Alternative to Traditional Filters!

Traditional Filters

Pacific Air Filters are renowned for delivering clean and pure indoor air. Their award winning HEPA filtration technology filters out airborne dust, allergens and other contaminants, improving the indoor air quality in any home or workplace. Every filter is designed to fit specific models, ensuring a clean and allergy-free air system. They also use the best technology available, including their exclusive PU filter, to deliver the cleanest and most effective air cleaning system.

Pacific Air Filters use patented technologies to reduce allergens and pollutants from the air in your home or office. The filter media contains high-performing granular activated carbon (GAC) particles that are captured from the atmosphere, preventing them from being released into the air. The high GAC content allows it to trap tiny dust particles, keeping them from rising to the top of the ventilation system or diffusing through the gaps between vent walls. The result is cleaner air that is free of all allergens and pollutants.

Canada commercial air filters

All Pacific Air Filters are equipped with the newest and most technologically advanced air purifying technology. Their exclusive PU filter works by incorporating a pre-installed strip of material inside the filter that releases air cleaning particles into the air. These particles are larger in size and can easily be picked up by other airborne particles, reducing the need for ever changing filters or replacement. This prevents gumming and other common problems associated with older filters, such as clogging and leaking. Most importantly, by capturing more harmful allergens and pollutants, Pacific Air Filters help to prevent asthma attacks and other serious respiratory illnesses.

A Great Alternative to Traditional Filters!

Because all Pacific Air Purifiers use HEPA filtration, allergens are easily filtered out of the air. In addition, all Pacific Air Purifiers utilize Ozone Generator Technology, which works to purify the air by reactive oxygen species. The result is cleaner air, free of any obnoxious odors and highly effective at eliminating all allergens and pollutants.

Every Pacific Air Filter is backed by a full 100% money back guarantee. That means if you are unsatisfied for any reason with your purchase, you can simply return it for a replacement. Many consumers have been delighted with the way that a well made Air Purifier works in their homes. With the large selection of various types and models, there is bound to be one that perfectly suits your needs. Pacific Air filters are consistently rated one of the best overall products on the market for air purification and home heating.

If you are in the market for a new filter for your home or office, you owe it to yourself to give a top quality filter a try. Air filters have a long track record of providing excellent indoor air quality. Now with the latest technology, even better results are available from every single filter. Pacific Air Filters has set the standard in filtering equipment that provides clean healthy air.

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