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ASVAB Student – Test to Determine Career Options for High School Students

There are several versions of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB exam. Although the ASVAB was initially developed as a means of measuring the qualifications of potential military recruits, the test is used for other purposes today. In this article, I will discuss the purpose of the ASVAB for students and its use as a test to determine career options for students graduating from high school.

Many high schools offer the ASVAB to their students, not as a means of qualifying for a career in the military, but as a means of helping students explore different career options to help them choose a path to pursue in college. and in your future. usually.

The Student-ASVAB is structured much like the standard ASVAB offered to prospective military recruits. The exam consists of 8 main subtests and can take up to 3 hours to complete. After taking this exam, you may not receive your scores directly. Instead, they will be sent to your school’s guidance counselor or guidance counselor, who will likely schedule a counseling session with you. You will have the opportunity to discuss your results with your counselor with the goal of charting your potential path and future.

The 8 sections of the exam are as follows:

GC General Sciences

This section will test your general understanding of the basic sciences, including biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and some astrology.

Arithmetic reasoning (AR)

This section will test your ability to solve word problems based on mathematical questions. Think of this as math-based reading comprehension.

Word Knowledge (WK)

This section tests your understanding of basic vocabulary words by asking you to identify similar words, synonyms, antonyms, and related words.

Paragraph Comprehension (PC)

Similar to reading comprehension, this section tests your ability to extract concepts and solutions from a given passage. You will be asked questions based on the deeper meaning of the passage rather than direct ‘what does the passage say’ questions.

Mathematical Knowledge (MK)

This section will test you on the various math topics you have learned, including basic operations, laws of operations, algebra, geometry, and some trigonometry.

Electronic Information (EI)

This section will test your ability to identify electrical concepts and answer math questions based on electricity and current.

Car and workshop information (AS)

This section tests your understanding of basic tools, parts, concepts, and procedures related to vehicles and shop information.

Mechanical Comprehension (MC)

This section tests your basic understanding of related mathematical concepts and equations as they relate to machines and their use in word reduction.

You may also be given a ‘Find Your Interest’ section to help you identify different career options and possibilities that suit your skills and personality.

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