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Ideas for teachers to earn extra money during the summer

Every summer, most teachers face the same problem: what to do to keep cash flowing while school is out for the summer. Here are some ideas to keep your cash flow moving smoothly.


One idea to consider is giving private lessons to people who do not have English as their first language. This idea can be very lucrative and possibly a long-term solution to keep your cash flowing, and not just over the summer. Try to explore the possibility of teaching a course at a community college for people who want to learn English for US citizenship.

Tutoring of your subject area

Another idea is to tutor people in the English language and also in their particular teaching subject.

You could also tutor students in English using the same curriculum you covered in school. This would be perfect for high school and college students and you could charge more per hour for this type of tutoring.

qualifying exams

Teachers can also mark A-level exams, for example. Not only is this a good way to earn extra money, but it would also allow teachers to prepare their students for future exams.

This can also be another lucrative position ranging from $5,000 to $12,000. Every year the exams are marked, there is an opportunity to earn more money and also advance to other positions. There are some drawbacks to marking exams: first exams can only be marked once a year, so this idea doesn’t allow teachers to control when they want to do it.

teach night classes

There are many opportunities at local high schools and colleges to teach evening courses. The pay is good and the hours fit the lifestyle of most teachers. Try to approach the organizer with a proposal. Night class organizers are always looking for more classes to add to their brochures.

Teach English abroad

Teaching can be a very flexible skill that adapts to most subjects. There are many students around the world who are eager to learn English as a second language. If you are a teacher who speaks English as a first language, then you can teach English as a second language.

Sometimes while teaching abroad, teachers find opportunities to teach full time. So this idea would not only bring in extra money over the summer, but you could also have the possibility of moving to another country and a higher paying teaching position.

Of course, if you want to get away from teaching for the summer and try something different to earn extra money, here are some ideas that don’t involve teaching.


If you are a teacher who teaches younger children, you could work a few hours a week babysitting. It is not the same amount of payment as it would be for tutoring, however, it may be enough to continue cash flow. If you are a mother, babysitting can work on your own schedule more easily than tutoring.

Summer Camp

Host a summer camp for a week or so during the summer and plan activities for the kids. Again, if you are a mother, you can have your children with you while giving other parents a break from their children.

online auctions

Try selling some items from your home on eBay. It gives you the opportunity to clean your house while earning money at the same time.

vacation helper

Many families go on vacation during the summer. These families are always looking for good, reliable people to take care of their homes, water their plants, take care of pets while they are away.

These are just a few ideas for teachers to earn extra money over the summer.

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