
Student Hypnosis: New Study Aid or Unfair Advantage?

Ask most college students if they have experienced hypnosis and they will tell you about a hypnosis program they saw in high school or college. It was fun and intriguing, but they haven’t thought about it since.

However, hypnosis can provide students with much more than entertainment. Some know this personally. They just don’t say much about it.

In fact, you may be surprised to learn that among top students who want to get the most out of their studies, hypnosis has been recognized by many as one of the most effective secondary study aids available. If you have students in your own home, hypnosis may do more for their success than you or they could have hoped.

Hypnosis can:

– Double, triple or even quadruple understanding and retention of the topic

– Make studying faster and easier.

– Reduce anxiety during exams and while studying, boosting your success

– Improve test taking skills, essay writing, attention span and much more

– Increase confidence in the delivery of oral reports or speeches and thesis defense

– Help develop leadership potential.

– Improve athletic ability

– Increase confidence in most areas of student life, including social aspects.

– Increase the desire to advance in education and career aspirations.

– Reduce doubt and improve future perspective.

– And these are just the beginning. Because once a student becomes familiar and comfortable with hypnosis, he will naturally think of new ways he can help.

(In fact, we’re discovering new possibilities all the time.)

Does any of this sound like something you, or the student in your life, could use? Please note that the above list is not exhaustive; There are probably more areas amenable to the help of hypnosis that I have not included.

As you continue reading and think of others that you would like to suggest or ask, feel free to write me; contact information can be found in the author box.

Here is more information on how hypnosis can affect education at almost any age:

-Self hypnosis for high school students, college students and graduates

I became certified in hypnosis over 10 years ago, but it was only when I co-taught a creativity class with a colleague at a university that I discovered what hypnosis can do for higher education.

That day, at the urging of my co-teacher, I hypnotized everyone in the class who chose the experience, to improve performance in studies and easier test taking.

Although the hypnosis itself was the real thrill that day, subsequent conversations with the students revealed that they experienced less stress, better memory of their topic, and a greater sense of well-being.

After that, although I no longer taught regularly, I began to come once a semester to speak and hypnotize those who were interested. The instructor tells me that it is the most anticipated and best attended class session each semester.

-Self-hypnosis for ongoing support as needed

It may interest you to know that a student over the age of 12, through graduate school and beyond, can also be taught to hypnotize themselves on a regular basis or as needed whenever the need arises.

Naturally, if self-hypnosis is used to study more efficiently or develop a better memory, it’s easy to see the power it brings to any student’s education.

But even a short session of generic self-hypnosis can have health benefits and an ongoing influence on self-confidence and emotional balance.

And any student seeing a mental health professional can enhance their therapy for themselves: if they simply capture the positive self-talk their counselor recommends and use it in their next self-hypnosis session.

-Hypnosis as a new tool for education

In my private practice, more parents understand the value of hypnosis in education and marvel at what self-hypnosis can do for their college students.

As one parent put it, “You know how it used to be in this house the night before a final exam? Now, the night before the exam, she hypnotizes herself for ten minutes and falls asleep the moment her head touches the floor.” the pillow, and she doesn’t wake up until morning.”

The result: a clearer mind and more confidence the next day.

Do students also recognize the possibilities? In my experience as a practitioner, when students are simply directed toward information, such as this article and others on hypnosis, they quickly develop an interest in the topic, as it is inherently interesting to young people.

However, as a parent, it is important not to force it or connect it with current poor performance. Rather, it should be strictly voluntary and offered as a possibility, useful and fun.

Frankly, a student who learns self-hypnosis does more than improve poor performance. He is one step ahead in taking responsibility for his performance, his future and his ability to achieve precisely what he wants.

How relaxing for parents to put aside worry, strength, and hassle, and watch their child take the future into their own hands and succeed!

In my experience, by the way, the best students are the ones who are most eager to learn self-hypnosis because they want to take their skills even further and do so without additional stress.

-Hypnosis for those who return to school years later

After graduating from high school or college, many adults thought they had seen the end of classrooms and paperwork. But many find themselves returning to school years later, either to pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree, or a certification program needed in their field.

If you are among them, do you feel insecure about your study skills? Or are you intimidated by younger classmates with better memories or just more time to study?

Hypnosis can help with all of that, including confidence that you’ll want to supercharge your progress.

-Finally, the question of injustice

So far, I have been asking the question this article raises: Is the use of hypnosis in education an unfair advantage for the students who use it?

Well, let’s consider that:

Is it unfair to get help from a tutor because not everyone is willing or able to do the same?

How about a coach to help your child, after school and with your money, in their athletic activities?

Are prep courses for the SAT, GRE, GMAT, etc. unfair?

Or get extra help from an instructor after class?

Is it unfair to participate in a study group? What if a professional takes it?

And how about simply choosing to join the smartest group of people studying for a particular exam?

I would argue that hypnosis for empowering education is both practically and morally similar to these others.

Yes, hypnosis is extremely effective in focusing the abilities of the subconscious mind on the subject, maximizing every moment of study time and often producing greater and longer lasting results. But the intention of creating an advantage through time, effort and money is equivalent to that of the preparation courses and tutorials.

When you give your child (or yourself) an advantage that will enhance her abilities, her position, and ultimately benefit the lives of those who will benefit from contact with her, is there any real reason to feel guilty? ©2008 by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz. All rights reserved.

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