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Sun Simiao’s Ancient Chinese Code of Medical Ethics

I would like to share Sun Simiao’s ancient and beautiful code of medical ethics with you. It is found in the preface to a 30-volume book he wrote entitled “Recipes Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces.” This book is the first complete encyclopedia of clinical practice and is still studied today, more than 1000 years later.

Contains over 4,500 herbal recipes, as well as information on acupuncture, massage, diet, and exercise. Sun Si Miao lived between 581 and 682 and his code is considered the basis of Chinese medical ethics. It is based on the principles of Confucianism and Mahayana Buddhism, especially the concept of universal compassion and love. Sun Simiao is remembered as the “Father of Chinese Medicine” and there are still celebrations every year in his hometown commemorating his life.

On the absolute sincerity of the great doctors

Whenever a great physician treats an illness, he must first calm his spirit and fix his resolve. He must not give in to desires and wishes, but he must first of all develop an attitude of compassion. He must promise to rescue the sufferings of all sentient beings. If someone comes for help, he should not ask if the patient is noble or common, rich or poor, old or young, beautiful or ugly. Enemies, relatives, good friends, Chinese or barbarians, fools and sages, they are all the same.

You should think of them as your closest relatives. You should not be too circumspect and worry about omens or your own life. You must regard the sufferings of others as your own and be deeply concerned. You must not hide in the mountains. Day and night, in cold and heat, in hunger, thirst and fatigue, he must come to the rescue with determination. Whoever acts in this way is a great doctor of the living. The one who does the opposite is a great thief for those who still have the courage.

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