Legal Law

Sun worship and false gods are destined to destroy civilizations

What is happening now as millions of people in Europe and other Western nations was predicted more than 2,000 years ago. It is part of God’s plan to bring the earth to a turning point. Those who think they know the real God but are worshiping the sun will be in the line of fire, and that involves Christians and Muslims, but others will be caught in the fray. The prophecies are correct and explain the end of religions and the rise of the Almighty with a powerful voice of condemnation.

“A noise will come to the ends of the earth, because God has controversy with the nations and will judge all flesh. The wicked will be delivered to the sword.” Jeremiah 25:31

The wicked are those who are engaged in the worship of false idols and gods that have emerged from the Babylonian religions. They include all Christianity, Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism, Hindu, etc. There are a myriad of them and an army of followers who are about to face the sword as they fight to the death.

Many hope that the world is coming to an end or a change and now events show the beginning of it with unstoppable wars and terrorism. Muslims will soon outnumber those from the invading countries and the weak attitude of those who receive them and see no harm in their religion exemplifies how God has blinded them. It is only a matter of time until these words are fulfilled.

“For the glorious voice of God will be heard, and lightning will rain with the indignation of God’s wrath, and with a flame of devouring fire, with scattering, tempest and hail. For by the voice of God the Assyrians will be overcome. with a stick “. Isaiah 30:30, 31

The Assyrian is Constantine, who was Amorite of descent. They invaded the known world from their wicked city, Babylon, and as the Amors were brutal, like animals, they murdered their way through Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. They built the city of Rome (Rome) Reverse Love and established their Islamic religion in all the regions they invaded.

Constantine established the ICR on its principles in 325 AD, while Jerome was appointed years later to compile the New Testament. He built the Vatican on the temple of Jupiter (Peter) and built the first Christian churches. His edicts survive that ordered the death and / or torture of anyone who did not accept his new god (Jesus Christ), who was inspired by Krishna, the third person of the Vedic Trinity.

The Vatican commissioned Augustine to form another religion through Muhammad, the associate of one of its parishioners. (This was recently revealed by someone who works in the archives and found a document to this effect and posted its content on the internet.) He is also expected to compile the Qur’an as he had helped Jerome earlier. These are religions that promote and put into practice the laws of Constantine, the Assyrian, and God has them in mind for their destruction, according to the prophecies.

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