Legal Law

Why Does Disability Discrimination Occur?

Disability Discrimination Occur

Why does disability discrimination happen? It is a common occurrence and can cause significant damage. Understanding the laws surrounding disability discrimination can help you build an inclusive workplace. By implementing policies and practices, you can encourage inclusion, deter discrimination, and help your employees achieve their full potential. Despite the progress made over the past decade, more efforts are still needed to ensure that employers provide a barrier-free environment for all employees.

Despite the many laws aimed at preventing disability discrimination, the majority of employers continue to exclude disabled individuals. For example, a pub may allow a disabled child to drink in the beer garden, but not in the family room. This is discrimination. And it can also include harassment. The harassment may come in the form of comments about the individual’s disability. The harassment can occur from a coworker or manager.

While discrimination resulting from a disability may be legal in some situations, it is generally illegal. Discrimination in the workplace can affect both a person’s career and their health. It is crucial to understand your rights and options if you feel you are a victim of disability discrimination. You have the right to file a disability discrimination lawsuit and seek compensation for the loss of wages, benefits, bonuses, and legal fees.

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Indirect discrimination occurs when an organisation has a policy or way of working that causes an employee with a disability to suffer more hardship than others. Indirect discrimination is unlawful unless the employer can show a valid reason for the action. The Equality Act requires employers to make reasonable adjustments. When they can demonstrate that they are making an effort to accommodate the disabled employee, this discrimination may be legal. If not, it may be a valid excuse for dismissing an employee.

Why Does Disability Discrimination Occur?

There are many reasons why people may feel that discrimination against a disabled person is justified. Some people have legitimate health or business reasons for their beliefs. Other times, such as when a landlord refuses to rent a disabled person a house because of his or her disability. While these types of actions might seem justified in some cases, discrimination against a disabled person is not. Generally, these actions are illegal under federal law.

Employers who discriminate against an employee because of his or her disability may be liable for many situations. The discrimination that occurs due to the disability could be a result of the manager’s lack of understanding. This might include more warnings than the person needs and even the possibility of termination. If you have experienced any of these situations, contact the American Civil Rights Commission. Your case could be the next one in line. You may be entitled to a settlement.

If you are the victim of disability discrimination, you must act now to protect yourself. The law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in many areas of public life. Employers are legally obligated to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the disabled person. Failure to do so can be discriminatory. However, even though disability discrimination may not be illegal in some circumstances, it is still unlawful if it results in the discrimination of an employee.

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