Tours Travel

49 Mile Scenic Drive in San Francisco

San Francisco is a lovely place. The whole city is like a popular theme park. “49-Mile Scenic Drive” is the best method to enjoy all the good places in this city. This driving course is very enjoyable for anyone with a driver’s license. The good thing about San Francisco 49-Mile Scenic Drive is that one […]

Home Kitchen

Modern style elements

Unlike country-style interiors, where accessories and accents are ‘layered’ to produce a charming messy effect, modern style is all about minimalism. In the absence of objects there is space, and this space itself is a design element. Open spaces automatically draw your attention to the few pieces that are used, from a sleek streamlined chair […]


The benefits of safe driving

Some of the benefits of safe driving are obvious (you are less likely to die). But some are a little less obvious. Have you ever thought about the gas you save by driving at the speed limit? Or the incredible amount of money you’ll save on your car insurance? These things will save you a […]

Digital Marketing

Walk shepherdess, walk: a story to sing

Walk, shepherdess, walk: a book to sing Barrett Cobb – Illustrator and Performer dog ears post Indianapolis, Indiana 2016 $17.98 36 pages Barrett Cobb’s childhood was filled with literature and song. When she was a child, a melody stayed with her, almost like a melodious lullaby. Eleanor Farjeon wrote both the words and the melody […]


Glycemic Index List

Too often, we don’t think about the value of the food we eat while easing our hunger pangs. This is especially true for those of us who live fast-paced lives, moving from one responsibility to the next on autopilot, not giving much thought to what we eat or how we eat it. Before we know […]