Arts Entertainments

when men were men

There was a time when men were men and sheep were nervous. It’s not like that; one only has to glance through the ranks of today’s male models to spot the difference between those of today and those of thirty years ago. Ok, old machos occasionally rear their huge heads, but for every Vinnie Jones […]

Arts Entertainments

What is Jesus doing right now?

What is Jesus doing right now? Does the Bible provide an answer to that question? I think so. According to the Scriptures, this is what Jesus is doing right now. Jesus is building his church. He said that. “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). […]

Arts Entertainments

Are you weighing wrong?

Have you ever seen the Pixar movie “Cars”? It is set on Route 66, a historic route between Chicago and Los Angeles. In fact, according to and, Route 66 was an important path for immigrants and other travelers heading west. People doing business along the route became prosperous due to the highway’s popularity, […]