Home Kitchen

A coffee table buying guide

Coffee tables are often the central focus of a living room and therefore have a tremendous impact on a room’s décor and ambiance. A wise choice can create a sense of style and harmony, while a poor choice can make a room look cluttered and overwhelm other furnishings, making the room look smaller and feel […]

Home Kitchen

Oxygen absorbers for food storage

Oxygen absorbers remove oxygen from sealed containers. In the context of food storage, we would generally be talking about rice, wheat, and grains, but oxygen absorbers could also be used for beans, pasta, and many other products. Removing air from the storage container stops rust and extends shelf life. Eliminating oxygen prevents insects that may […]

Home Kitchen

ceramic tile installation

Knowing how to lay ceramic tile isn’t too difficult, but if you’ve never done it before and aren’t very handy to begin with, it’s best to have it done by a professional. That being said, many homeowners have attempted their own remodel, but the fact remains that there are some projects, such as the installation […]