Lifestyle Fashion

Bowls of Fire: A Brief History of Hibachi

When many people think of hibachi, they think of the Japanese-style teppanyaki that is popular with Japanese-style restaurants in the US. With its literal translation meaning “bowl of fire,” the word refers more to the tool than cooks the food to a particular style of eating. Historically, the tool wasn’t even used to cook food […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Tips for stretching piercings and measuring earlobes

The following tips on how to stretch piercings are specifically geared toward measuring earlobes, where earlobe piercings can be enlarged to very large sizes to incorporate many different types of ear jewelry, including impressive flesh tunnels. . Stretching piercings have been popular in many civilizations throughout history, taking many forms, from measuring earlobes to stretching […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Step-by-step parenting is easy

Adoptive parenthood is an issue that many people have serious problems dealing with. Every father has the dream of having a happy family and raising his children in the best environment where there is peace, joy and love in the family. But sometimes it doesn’t always happen that way. The problem starts when neither parent […]

Lifestyle Fashion

deep breathing and acne

To improve the health and appearance of your skin, Yoga teachers from all schools will attest to the value of breathing correctly. There is a part of the Yoga system dedicated to breathing: it is called Pranayama and is often defined as the control of breathing. Most Yoga sessions will begin and end with mindful […]