
How to socialize your mastiff puppy

“All dogs should be socialized as puppies, before they are 16 weeks old. This is the most important time in a dog’s life. This is the time that will shape them and determine what kind of friendly dog ​​they will become. “. “This is the time when your pup should meet people, other dogs and […]


Dog training: the period of the imprint of fear

During weeks eight through twelve, there is a period called “The Fear Impression Period.” During this time, any particularly frightening or painful experience will leave a lasting impression on your dog rather than occurring at any other time in his life. If the experience is very traumatic, it could literally ruin your dog’s life. While […]


All About the American Eskimo Dog Breed

The American Eskimo Dog: A great family dog The American Eskimo Dog is a relative of the German Spitz. It’s a cute little snow globe of a dog that comes in three varieties: standard, toy, and miniature. The standard usually grows between 15 and 19 inches tall and can weigh up to 35 pounds. The […]


Winning bets on greyhound racing

winning bets In the modern world of greyhound racing, gamblers have been forced to play exotic bets to get a reasonable return on their biggest investments. When you compare the $100,000+ prize pools of Thoroughbred racing with the anemic sub-$1,000 greyhound racing funds, the reason becomes clear. To get any value in the sport of […]


Great tips for training your dog

One of the easiest ways to start training your dog(s) is to research the types of training classes available in your area. Consider checking out classes and locations before you commit to one to make sure both you and your pet are comfortable before beginning the training process. Your anxious dog should have something to […]


Bernina 830 – A Hall of Fame Sewing Machine

If I were to start a Sewing Machine Hall of Fame, the first inductees might include the Singer 221 Featherweight and maybe a Singer 201, but… I would definitely include one. Bernina 830. This industry-proven sewing machine has many a dedicated following…and more and more seamstresses want to join the 830 club. As a result, […]