
A one-of-a-kind human society

Yesterday I did something new that I had been putting off for some time. I took a tour of our Woodford County Animal Adoption Center. You see, being the devoted and loyal animal lover that I am, I couldn’t bear to go see our lost or sadly abandoned animals who are eagerly awaiting their new […]


Sabal Palms III: Sabal palmetto and Minor Sabal Species

Continuing our series on hardy palms is the species Sabal palmetto, the palm that is on the state flag of South Carolina and Florida. The following descriptions highlight the enormous variety of species. Sabal palmetto (Palmetto Palmetto) The 40-foot-tall S. palmetto is the dominant trunk palm in the southeastern US. Its native range is from […]


where to adopt a puppy

One of the most important decisions you will make is adopting a puppy for your family. Finding the perfect four-legged edition for your family is important, there are many things to consider. The first two main issues are figuring out how to adopt a puppy and where you can adopt one from. There are several […]


A guide to buying and caring for puppies

You can buy cheap puppies online or in physical stores. No matter what the cost, be sure to ask questions about your health. Must be at least six weeks old. If you’re buying from web-based breeders, get their contact information. Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if it’s legitimate. Do not forget to […]


The cat with the head tail

I was reading a philosophy book today (yeah, I know, what else?) and I want to share something with you. The philosopher was talking about cause and effect, and it was part of this whole big discussion about whether it’s true that we humans are separate from the rest of the universe or if the […]


Is it time to put my dog ​​to sleep?

I want to start this article by revealing that every sentence you will read here is my opinion. I don’t have any solid research to back up anything I say. There was no peer review of the validity of this article before I published it. I wrote this article for you because a dog that […]


A turnkey product launch email sequence

Product launch campaigns are extremely effective at building excitement and ultimately driving sales during your launch. New marketers and even veterans are often overwhelmed planning a launch, but this proven email sequence will help you succeed with your launch. You can use this for a product you’ve built, or you can use this for a […]