Health Fitness

2 Ways to Get High – Can Vaporizing Potency Do it Better?

2 Ways to Get High

After smoking Delta-8 for about three weeks I decided to smoke a bowl of Delta-8. It was a newbie’s day at work and I wanted to try something different. My friend Dave, who is a recovering addict, gave me the bowl and smoked some with me. After about a half hour into smoking I could tell that it was going to be a good day. It definitely calms the nerves and relaxes you.

Delta-8 is the strongest tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, strain currently available, with the maximum THC content measured at parts per million. This makes it possibly the strongest cannabis strain on the planet and the highest amount of any known cannabis strain. It has been medically proven to help people with chronic pain, chemotherapy side effects, and glaucoma; however it has also been used to help people quit smoking. This is because the vapors help to mask feelings of withdrawal that smokers experience when trying to kick the habit.

Cake delta 8

There are many reasons why the cannabis community is taking Delta-8 vaping into account when getting high. The reason that it helps to calm the nervous system and relieve pain is because Delta-8 includes fatty acids that are similar to those found in olive oil, thus increasing the levels of the feel-good substance endorphins. Other phytochemicals found in Delta-8 include Vitamin E and Cannabidiol which work in tandem to reduce the harmful effects of chronic pain and help a person to be more alert and energetic.

Can Vaporizing Potency Do it Better?

Many people have reported that while they were on the weed, the vapor from their joint was almost identical to the smell of Burning Man. It is believed that the THC in the joint is transferred to the vapor by the terpenes. Cannabidiol, which is the main ingredient in marijuana, does not transfer through the skin or the lungs and is instead absorbed into the bloodstream. However, many people feel that if the THC is not filtered out and sent to the brain where it can be metabolized, the potency of the THC will increase. Since Delta-8 takes up to eight hours to metabolize, some feel that with constant use, the potency of Delta-8 will begin to decrease.

When it comes to flavor, many users will compare the tastes of cannabis and vaporizing marijuana. One of the things that they notice is that the taste of cannabis tends to be bitter while the taste of vaporizing cannabis is fruity. While THC is not included in the flavor of Delta-8, it is important to note that even with this inclusion, it is still within the acidic and fatty acid composition of cannabis. This makes both the product and the joint similar and it can be difficult for certain people to distinguish one from the other without tasting them. With continued use, there is less likely for the cannabis to have an aftertaste compared to vaporizing it.

The biggest difference between the two products when it comes to using them is cost and preparation time. Since THC is still a compound, it is more expensive than vaporizing cannabis since it has to be created in a laboratory. However, since it is less expensive and can be prepared faster, it is often used as the best way to get high with fewer side effects. Also, many people are using it to help get high without the feeling of strain from smoking a joint.

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