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6 benefits of the self-hypnosis trance state

There are a fair number of people who still have the wrong notions about self-hypnosis. After watching Hollywood movies, TV shows, or even stage hypnotists, they think self-hypnosis is a parlor trick, magic, or even evil!

The state of self-hypnosis is as natural to you as sleep is. In fact, every one of us, including you, goes into a trance state every day. When you wake up in the morning and just before you go to sleep, you are in a trance-like state of self-hypnosis. If you watch TV, read a book, daydream, or are absorbed in a task, you are in a hypnotic trance state. Going into a trance, or a state of self-hypnosis, is as normal and natural as the breath you breathe!

How many times have you performed a task, which is automatic for you, but you couldn’t remember the actual mechanics of doing it? Not remembering the details of your commute home from work is a classic example of this. At such times you are in a self-imposed trance state.

Are you aware that when you are in such a trance state you are very susceptible to the suggestions given to you? These suggestions seep deep into your subconscious mind where they take root and flourish! This is the reason why you see so many billboards and advertisements on the common road routes used by many people. People go into hypnotic states when they drive and advertisers know it. Why else would they spend millions in advertising costs to put billboards and other advertisements in places that are only seen for seconds at a time?

Just as advertisers know how to use the science of trance to influence your buying behaviors, you must also know how to use self-hypnosis to influence your own behaviors. It is possible to alter almost any area of ​​your life using this highly effective technique.

Here are 6 things you can use self hypnosis for to change your life today!

1. Eliminate or change behaviors. Self-hypnosis is a proven tool for eliminating behaviors that people find negative or inappropriate. If you have some behavior that you want to stop, then using this trance-inducing technique is the key.

2. Elimination of negative beliefs. Many people have very negative views of the world that greatly affect their productivity, their personal interactions, and their performance. Do you have wrong and negative beliefs about yourself that affect your quality of life? Many beliefs, such as “I’m not good enough” or “all men are cheaters,” can seriously harm your quality of life. Through self-hypnosis you can easily influence your mind to remove these beliefs quickly and permanently.

3. Implant new positive beliefs that affirm life. You can implant new beliefs in your subconscious mind easily using this approach. How would you like to think, feel and believe like Bill Gates does? How do you think that would affect your life? Do you think it would help you in business?

4. Pain relief. Hypnosis is frequently used within the medical establishment as a way to relieve pain. Since hypnosis and self-hypnosis are essentially the same thing, it should come as no surprise that self-hypnosis is also very effective in reducing pain.

5. Stress relief. You can reduce or totally eliminate stress with very little effort.

6. Weight loss. This is probably the most common use of this tool, as the western world faces weight problems that are becoming epidemic. If you have a weight problem or just want to lose a few extra pounds, this is a very effective way to do it.

With the great advances that are being made in our understanding of how the mind works and how it affects our bodies and the world around us, using such a powerful tool can give you an advantage that you normally wouldn’t have. Premade self hypnosis recordings are very advanced. In recent years, they have begun to use the latest advances to create faster, deeper, and more effective trance states. In fact, many of the best titles use cutting-edge technologies and psychological mechanisms to create instant and lasting changes, such as phobias and fears.

A little more research on the subject should show you just how limitless the uses of self-hypnosis are. You might be surprised at the many ways it is used today by everyday men and women, highly paid corporate executives, Olympians, and politicians! You too can use the same power to access your own subconscious mind and make changes you never dreamed possible.

Now that you have a better understanding of how self-hypnosis can help you, why not give it a try? You never know how your life could improve!

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