
7 Mistakes Psychic Readers Make

mistake 1


Have you ever tried to build something before reading the instructions? I know I have had. Once a friend asked me if he could put a table together, I said, “of course”, the problem was that I didn’t bother to read the instructions. That table had a short leg and a long leg.

Learn the lesson, never start something without first knowing where you want to go.

Psychics need to know where they are going. You cannot take a great leap without first taking small steps.

Building the foundations takes time and commitment. Every psychic has their own way of reading. There are many different techniques, each of which requires discipline.

There must be a voluntary dedication to learning the fundamentals. Don’t expect to be the next Sylvia Brown overnight. You must be willing to put in the work.

For example, a skinny young man looks at a muscle magazine and dreams of having a body like the one in the magazine. Sleep starts the process but it must be followed by a step-by-step process. Jumping steps will not help you achieve your goal.

It is recommended to find a competent teacher to learn. Reading everything you can on the subject is a must. Practice, practice, practice is crucial. Many psychics give up because they don’t see results right away. The results are related to how hard you are willing to work.

To fulfill any dream one must have a plan. A clear path on how you are going to implement and meet your goal. Doing things randomly will never allow you to achieve your goal. Laying a good foundation is the foundation for solid, solid achievement.

I remember when the great basketball star Michael Jordan tried his luck with baseball; he failed miserably because the proper foundation was not ugly. He had the dream but the work didn’t get going.

The foundations are the blueprint that makes dreams come true. Every psychic hoping to get better at his craft must make sure not to overlook the small steps. Every dream must have a base on which it must stand. Let your feet be planted on solid ground before you venture out. Be sure of your purpose and proceed with confidence. Have a strong commitment and desire to exceed all goals. Remember that you are never alone and the bright celestial beings will ensure your success.

mistake 2

Developing your own style

Do you remember when you were a child and you wanted to grow up and be like your favorite idol? When I was young, I always wanted to grow up and be like my favorite baseball player, Ernie Banks. Everything he did, I did, but there was a problem that I could never solve quite well. I had to learn to develop my own style. The mistake most people make is that they want to be like someone else. That will never happen. You must develop your own style.

At first it is natural to try different approaches, but you must learn to develop your own style. Your style is what makes you unique. Many times my students will say: “I want to read numbers like you”! I always tell them, “That will never happen, you must learn to read the numbers like you.” Let your own natural form flow from you.

Have you ever seen photos of two actresses in the same dress? Below the images, a caption asks, “Who wears it well?”

Whoever wears it well, develop your own style.

mistake 3

Wanting it overnight

Our world moves fast. We can order something from anywhere in the United States and have it delivered overnight. I remember once ordering a product and paying for overnight shipping when it didn’t arrive the next day, I was shocked. The clerk had written the wrong address and it was sent elsewhere. We have become accustomed to instant gratification. Fast food, emails, text messages. It seems that we are not willing to put in the time it takes to achieve our success.

Success will not come overnight. You must be willing to spend time on it.

It would be foolish to read a book or two on psychism and then put a sign in a window to let the world know that you are now open for business.

You must commit to the topic until you feel ready. Taking small steps is good practice. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Victory is not for the fastest, but for the one who can resist.

Plant a seed, give it a little water, a little sun, and in time it will reward you with its fragrance. The water will not boil faster if you stare at it.

Do not wish or wish for overnight success. Something hastily built will not stand the test of time.

mistake 4

have faith in yourself

Have you ever looked at a mountain and told yourself that there is no way I can climb to the top of it?

When I was young I almost grew up. I had given up fighting the strong ocean currents that were dragging me down. I thought my time on earth had come to an end. At that exact moment of surrender a peace came over me and I found myself drifting peacefully towards a white light. The next moment I was back in my body and saw people standing looking at my lifeless body as the lifeguard worked to revive me, that experience was born as a rock of faith in me!

During my 34 years of reading, I have shared my intuitive knowledge with countless people. Most of the time people couldn’t, wouldn’t act on the words I’ve said. They did not believe they had the power to change their lives. They had no faith.

Not having faith is the greatest of all mistakes. Faith is the seed that grows and manifests the desire of your heart.

Trust your abilities and watch the doors of your imagination open and bear fruit.

If you think you can, then you will!

mistake 5

Ethical code

I remember early in my career I was reading for a client. I saw something dark and blurted it out without seriously thinking about how my words might affect my client. On the way home I thought about that reading and decided to abide by a code of ethics.

A reader must learn to choose his words very carefully. Never tell a customer that you see something wrong. Choose a word as a challenge instead. Your main goal is to help your customer solve their problem.

Showing compassion, building trust, and staying positive are the cornerstones of a solid read. You are not there to judge and insult your client.

Arrogance and self-righteousness have no place in a reading. Show kindness and respect. Insert humor whenever possible to keep the reading from becoming too heavy. Always be respectful!

A good reader has cultivated discipline, uses good judgment, and conducts himself professionally.

Temptation will always be with us. If you develop a code of ethics and abide by it, you can be sure that your clients will spread your good name. A good name of integrity is worth more than a pot of gold. Remember, your good reputation is sometimes all you have.

mistake 6

Know when the reading is finished

Have you ever had a friend who stayed home? I know I have had. I remember once I invited some friends to a small gathering. Everyone left at a decent hour except this friend. I tried various approaches to let him know it was time for him to go. Nothing worked. I finally went straight and told him to go away!

At some point, a reader just has no idea when the reading is over. There are several clues to alert you. When you start repeating yourself, saying the same thing over and over again. When the reading deviates towards other areas not related to the subject in question. When you feel that your energy is depleted.

At some point, a reader may immediately identify the problem; other times more probing will be necessary.

Sometimes the reader’s ego gets in the way and the reading becomes personal.

More is not always good. His main goal is to find solutions to his client’s situation.

Readers who read at psychic fairs often have a timer. The client can pay for a reading of 15 minutes, 30 minutes or hours. A client may come in with a series of questions, other times he just wants you to share with them what he sees. A stopwatch is good because it helps you stay on point.

mistake 7

you can’t save the world

No one can save the world, the best we can do is save ourselves. The most talented reader cannot help everyone who comes to read. Some people say they want help, but their actions say otherwise. No reader will be one hundred percent all the time. Some days the reader will have difficulty connecting with the spirit. Sometimes the reader’s biorhythms will be off.

Weather temperatures, environments, diet, temperament, inadequate sleep, drugs, alcohol are factors that can alter a reader’s reading ability.

You are not going to like all the people who come to you for a reading. Sometimes you will tell your client that you will not be able to help him.

I remember once I had a full day of readings. By the eighth hour he was exhausted. My vision was seeing double, I became incoherent. It took me several days to regain my strength. I had overloaded my psychic abilities.

Giving a reading can be very tiring. If you haven’t taken the time to cleanse your aura, other people’s energies can leave you dry. Note that energy travels both ways. Protect yourself and remember that you cannot save the world.

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