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A Quick Fix for Door Knob Holes

Doesn’t it seem like doors can sometimes be opened at the slightest touch? And what is left? An unsightly hole in the doorknob. Whether you have kids running around your house every day or a clumsy bone in your body, you need a quick fix to fix pesky door handle holes in your drywall. Read on to learn just that!

What you will need:

  • self-adhesive mesh
  • Drywall Knife
  • utility knife
  • lightweight joint compound
  • sanding sponge
  • dust mask
  • protective glasses
  • drywall saw
  • latex primer
  • throw away clothes
  • paintwork

You can buy all of the above tools and supplies at any local home improvement or hardware store for a reasonable price. But for small holes like those caused by doorknobs, you can also buy a patch kit. Just ask a store representative for help finding one that’s right for your drywall repair project. Take a look below for a simple guide to repairing a doorknob hole in your drywall.

Step 1

Later, place a drop cloth on the floor under your work area. This will catch all the loose dust and debris.

Step 2

Use your utility knife to scrape away any access debris along the edges of the hole.

Step 3

Apply the self-adhesive mesh patch to the top of the hole.

stage 4

Use your drywall knife to apply the lightweight joint compound over the self-adhesive mesh patch. Use a crisscross pattern to ensure complete, even coverage. Tap the edges as you go to blend the compound into the wall. To spread thinner coats of joint compound, simply increase the amount of pressure you use.

step 5

Allow the drywall joint compound to dry completely.

step 6

Apply another coat of your lightweight joint compound.

step 7

Once the compound is completely dry again, use your sanding sponge to smooth it down to an even surface. This may take a few tries to get a smooth enough surface.

It’s time to finish the job!

Once you’ve finished sanding the dry joint compound, you’re ready to prime and paint. Be sure to use a quality primer and paint, and also make sure your paint color matches the existing color on your wall. A store representative can help you match the existing wall color, as it can be difficult to do on your own. Sometimes a color chart shows a different shade than it does after the paint has dried. Avoid this with a little forethought.

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