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Biorhythms: How to interpret the daily readings from your biorhythm chart

Biorhythms have been studied for many generations. As human beings, we are always trying to better understand ourselves and the study of biorhythms seeks to understand and chart the natural cycles of our body. This sounds simple until you’re faced with your biorhythms presented as three mathematical lines on a graph. Reading and interpreting both the current state of your biorhythms and the immediate future of your biorhythms may seem complicated at first.

Biorhythm readings are generally presented covering the three main biorhythm cycles of physical, emotional, and intellectual states. Readings are usually provided as a graphical curve with the horizontal line representing time (usually days) and the vertical line representing the reading for that time. Readings will be presented as a positive, zero or negative percentage: the maximum reading is 100% and the minimum reading is -100%. A reading of zero is actually an ‘intermediate reading’. Ok, so good so far, so for my physical biorhythm reading today, I locate the physical biorhythm curve (usually blue), look along the biorhythm graph to find today’s date, and read vertically to get a reading. which will be between plus one hundred percent and minus one hundred percent. Then repeat for the Emotional Biorhythm and for the Intellectual Biorhythm.

Ok, this is all very easy and I’m sure most of you understand how to read numbers from a graph. Most important, however, is the need to be able to interpret the biorhythm reading to give meaning to you and your current state. As I have said in a number of inquiries I have received about biorhythms, it really is up to the individual how much they get out of their biorhythm reading. Some people will tell you that if they have all three biorhythms showing -100% that they won’t leave their house while others (including me) prefer to see these negative indicators as a warning that perhaps we should be a little more careful when applying ourselves. to our daily lives: a warning approach is anticipation.

Taking this philosophy a step further, it is easy to see that a reading of 100% for the physical biorhythm, for example, can indicate that we have more bounce in our step, whereas for a reading of -100% we can feel a little out of tune, maybe a little faster to get tired.

What is important to recognize is that biorhythm cycles cannot predict major life events, despite what many biorhythm gurus will tell you. You may have a heart attack on a 100% physical day or feel sad on a 100% emotional day; it’s just that those events won’t be as bad as if they happened on more negative days.

More noteworthy may be those days when a transition between positive and negative occurs: the day a biorhythm reading crosses the zero line. We all interpret these days as transitions and we observe that life in that zone of the biorhythm can be somewhat more chaotic than usual.

Whatever your views on biorhythms and how you choose to use and interpret them, remember that the mere fact that you have taken the time to study something that concerns you is in itself a beneficial and enhancing act. life.

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