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Buying a coffee table tray – Decorating With a Coffee Table Tray

Buying a coffee table tray

Decorating trays for coffee tables is nothing brand new, by all means. Collected number of coffee table trays throughout the years and probably off of top of mind that most have more than 15! Maybe that borders on fanaticism, but trays truly are so convenient to use whether carrying and serving things from room to room or just entertaining.

The first thing you need to consider when buying a coffee table tray is where you plan to place it. Is it going to be in a spot that you want to make an area or are you planning on putting it on an open shelf? If you plan on putting your decorative piece in an open shelf, then be sure that the measurements are correct. This will ensure the safety of the piece as well as your own sanity.

Another thing to consider is if you are looking for a wooden coffee table tray decor or plastic. Wooden trays tend to look better in some environments than plastic. Plastic, on the other hand, can be cheaper but can break easier. Personally I prefer wooden trays as they do not hold stains and offer a more rustic feeling to any room.

Decorating With a Coffee Table Tray

When decorating with a coffee table vignette a few guidelines must be kept in mind. Firstly you should know exactly what kind of wood (some would call it oak) you want to work with. Oak tends to look best with a worn appearance and dark colours. Cherrywood looks fantastic with lighter colours and a bright look. Some people also like to paint their furniture but it is always a good idea to ask a professional before embarking on this process.

One great effect when using a coffee table tray is a floral pattern on it. You could paint or ink various dried flowers onto the tray and place it at the centre of the room. Use dried flowers in different shades or mix different dried flowers with fresh flowers. This can be a very simple and cheap way of decorating a room, you could even use dried flowers in place of soap. This makes it lovely and unique.

Another great idea is to paint a pattern on the tray. If you cannot paint the whole thing yourself then try buying a coffee table tray that you can paint on. Choose a design and colour that suits you and make sure you buy a matching set of boards so that they match too. Using flowers in your decorating scheme can really bring out the whole look so if you want to stay traditional then paint your flowers in pure white. Alternatively if you want to inject some modern and funky ideas into the room, then try using bright and bold colours.

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