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Can crabs live together in the same tank?

If you ask, “can crabs live together?” Well the answer is going to be a big fat man, “it depends.”

There are many factors that come into play with the crayfish as a pet. Believe me, I have had several crawfish in recent years. I have had two electric blue crayfish and one albino crayfish that could probably have killed a small dog.

First of all, how big is the tank you plan to use to keep your crawfish? If you plan to use a ten gallon fish tank for more than one crayfish, I would personally say that it is not a good decision. One of my crawfish fought another of my crawfish to the death while living in a ten gallon tank. Yes, they got along perfectly for a while, but in the end it was claw time, and these guys tried their hardest.

I remember one day I came home from work and saw that my blue crayfish had eaten my albino crayfish. There were little blue chunks of my crawfish all over the tank. It wasn’t pretty, but sometimes that’s nature.

Personally, if you plan to have more than one crayfish, I would recommend at least a twenty gallon fish tank with lots of hiding places or hiding places. Crayfish like to be able to hide. And being able to hide is especially important when they are moving. Because when they molt, they become weak and are more susceptible to attacks from both crayfish and other fish.

I also recommended feeding your crabs. Now, I don’t mean in any way about overfeeding your crawfish. Crayfish already make the tank dirty enough as it is and overfeeding them will only make things worse. So don’t overfeed these little ones.

Just remember, crayfish are scavengers and are extremely aggressive. They are omnivorous. They love to eat anything they can put in their clutches. Due to their nature, there is virtually no guarantee that they will not catch or eat another crayfish in their tank. With that said, try to find fish that are aggressive, swim near the top of the tank, and / or swim fast if you are looking for tank mates for your crayfish. These types of fish will have the best chance of survival.

So can crayfish live together in the same fish tank? Yes, it is possible, but there is no guarantee with these crazy little ones.

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