
Setting up a new laptop

There are many things to consider when buying that laptop, however the two most important specs will be its processor and its RAM. Here I am going to explain some of the fundamental features of both so that you can make a better decision when buying a laptop. PROCESSOR (CPU) Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor […]


Yummy Yummy: Top 7 Business Lessons from Wiggles

At Macquarie University in the early 1990s, three Australian early childhood education students, Murray Cook, Greg Page and Anthony Field, decided they felt the need to dress in brightly colored red, yellow and blue (respectively) suits that looked like the uniforms from the original series “Star Trek”. It wasn’t long before Anthony Field’s bandmate from […]


4 myths of the law of attraction

If you look very closely at your life and the lives of others, you can see that the Law of Attraction works every time to bring both desirable and undesirable situations into a person’s life. And people who are exposed to the Law of Attraction for the first time, feeling that it challenges their beliefs, […]