Health Fitness

Eat out? Make the right decisions

Eating out is very common in today’s world. You don’t want to be the stranger by always refusing to go out to eat with friends, family, and colleagues in an attempt to eat good home-cooked meals and stick to your health goals. Also, people travel more than they used to before, whether for work or […]

Health Fitness

How to lose forearm fat

Increasing your forearm muscles is the sure way to lose that forearm fat. As we age, it can get easier and easier for our bodies to show fat in places we never think of and the forearm is one of those places. All that is needed is a few strengthening exercises performed at least 2-3 […]

Health Fitness

3 reasons why you shouldn’t starve

I have seen several women in the gym who literally starve themselves from not eating properly. They skip meals regularly in hopes of shedding those unwanted pounds from their tummy quickly and naturally. Perhaps, these women get the idea of ​​such a method from movies or TV shows where famous idols admitted to doing the […]

Health Fitness

Weight loss is a pain in the ass!

From what I learned, there is a lot about “weight loss”. First is 80% Diet and 20% Exercise, which I thought was full of junk from the beginning because I guess if you can get your body moving constantly, you won’t have to worry about the food you are eating. INCORRECT! I’m a foodie, so […]