Legal Law

Whiplash injury claims

Whiplash is an injury commonly obtained through traffic accidents, in which the head and shoulders suddenly move forward, causing the spine to stretch. This can cause extreme pain and is a very real condition, although many people have been known to fake it to win frivolous lawsuits. Like any injury, there are ways to treat […]

Legal Law

Cast a spell to attract your ex

Is there a trick to get your ex to return your phone calls? One of the most painful things in the days after a breakup is the dreaded, “Should I call you?” or “I wonder if he will call me today.” I’m about to tell you the words that will literally cast a spell on […]

Legal Law

Costume wigs through the ages

The role of costume wigs has not changed dramatically throughout the ages. They are mainly used for decoration and to hide hair loss. One of the most significant differences between the historical use of wigs and today is that costume wigs were also used to denote their social position in the past. Costume wigs date […]

Legal Law

How much do lawyers earn?

The answer to the question of how much lawyers make is not as straightforward as you might think. As with any profession, the city you work in will affect how much you can expect to earn. For example, an entry-level Deputy Public Defender in San Francisco earns $ 90,000.00 per year. However, an attorney doing […]