
Choosing your next template or theme – less painful than going to the dentist

Just like taking a walk down the main street anywhere in the world and you’re sure to come across something so disgusting that it makes you cringe, this same thing has probably already happened to you on the internet (more than once).

The monstrosities of the Internet, once thought to be on the decline, are now on the rise once again. The dazzling, flashy and loud manifestations of the creations of early web publishers and My Space users are taking a new shape in the web 2.0 era and here are a few things you can do to make sure choosing the right template will keep you out. from the wrong side of the Internet tracks.

1. Colors – It goes without saying that everyone has their own personal tastes, however, if you are creating a site to attract visitors, you need to carefully consider what type of visitor you are trying to attract. Just like animals and insects in nature, if you have the wrong colors, your site can be a deterrent to potential readers and customers. There are several sites on the Internet that can provide a comprehensive list of color theory and effective use of the web.

2. Design – Having a good design is Feng Shui for the web. Where you decide to put things and the arrangement of the contents can be very appealing, in the same way that a bowl of milk is to a kitten, or it can be like walking through a dark forest where the next step could lead to disaster or leave behind. to your lost visitor. . If you look at some of the top websites on, you’ll see that there are varied and effective designs for the type of content you’re trying to present. Ask yourself what exactly you want to achieve with your website and how a new visitor would find your most important content. If your good stuff is right up front, visitors may not venture to other areas of your website; conversely, if your visitor has to search for that content, they may never find it and leave. Choose your approach carefully, keep it simple until your tests tell you otherwise.

3. Flexibility – Having a website that allows you to change and adjust the module position, colors and even the layout will save you a lot of time and money when it comes time to make changes. Get ready for change. What’s cool and trendy today may not be the best tomorrow, like flashing banners, pop-ups, long-loading flash intros.

4. Speed ​​– You need to make sure your site loads fast. Having a template with code that complies with current Internet standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) will save you a lot of time and hassle in making sure your site is cross-browser compatible. Keep load times short by hosting images on another server or service provider like Flickr, YouTube, ImageShack, etc. Keep gadgets, widgets, and other components that don’t contribute to the visitor experience to a minimum, as each element increases load times.

5. Content: The prettiest colors, cool designs, and fast load times won’t mean much if you don’t have the right content. Content is king on the internet and without it you are simply taking up space on the web. Not all content is created equal, and there are different means of presenting information, such as text, video, audio, and interactive media. Choose the appropriate method to deliver your message effectively. Videos are a great way to show or demonstrate something, however they are harder for search engines to index unless you include a transcript. So if you choose audio or video, be sure to provide the necessary information for those who may not be able to access that content for whatever reason. Keeping your content organized by using categories, sections, and articles is great for content management systems and can be found in WordPress, Joomla, or other modern blogging software and well-formatted CMSs.

6. To customize or not to customize: If you buy a template, make sure you know the difference between a standard template (which has default stock images and sample content) and a customizable template (or professional template) that is customized to your needs. specific needs and is usually a standard template that is then modified to suit your tastes.

7. Gadgetry – Many templates now come with modules and plugins that enhance the visitor experience with cool slideshows, cool menus, news feeds, friend updates, etc. Be judicious in the use of devices so as not to clutter, confuse, or divert attention from your visitor’s initial purpose. Facebook is an example of a cleaner alternative to MySpace, however, with more app plugins, some pages are again prone to web noise by adding too much that adds little to the visitor.

8. Ease of use: There are several companies that specialize in providing a Do It Yourself (DIY) temple solution where you can design everything yourself and download the final version. Take advantage of their trial offers to make sure designing a template is something you want to take on yourself or just outsource to a professional.

9. Price – This is usually a factor and is related to all of the above items. What can you expect to pay? That depends on what you need just like in any industry, but there are a few things you can do to make sure you don’t fall short on a purchase. Buy from a trusted site. Use a distinguished and highly qualified developer from sites like or other e-service sites. You should quickly email or contact support to see what kind of response you get and if they are timely, courteous and answer your questions before you buy. See what others are saying, look for feedback, or check the site’s forums if they have one to see if it’s a helpful and active community. Make sure there is a clear refund policy and read the terms of service before buying in case there are any problems in the future. A great company will help you when you have problems and will solve problems quickly.

The next time you visit your website, ask yourself if you’re on the right track or if you’re hurtling toward an oncoming train wreck. Hopefully, by following these tips here, you can save yourself some headaches and make the most of your time publishing online.

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