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Creating a sacred space for a great Valentine’s experience

Do something different this Valentine, something very special for and with your beloved partner. What could you do to create an “out of this world” love experience that would make your partner’s heart melt and feel more loved and cared for?

This is what you want to do:

Prepare YOUR Valentine’s experience by creating a Sacred Space that will enhance your romantic evening or an intentional lovemaking session, a sacred conversation you may wish to have, a sensual massage, or a healing ritual.

Let’s take a closer look at what we mean by the creation of Sacred Space:

Sacred Space means transforming a room into a sanctuary. As you prepare for your special night, feel what would take your partner “to the top.” How could you set a tone for the room that transports your partner to a different world? It is about much more than decorating a room. It’s about intention, about really taking the time to think and care for your loved one. The amount of attention you pay to the creation of the Sacred Space will show your loved one how much you care.

This “special treatment” will provide a spark that can last for days or weeks!

Here are some concrete steps on how to create that perfect sacred space:

  1. Choose a room

Where would you like your special date to be? The bedroom is always a good place, but perhaps you would like to use another room to mix things up. Choose a space that can feel inviting, inviting, and warm. Know that the room will transform once you set up and decorate it.

  1. Gather materials

Details matter! What materials can you find that inspire love and sensuality? Collect candles, beautiful fabrics, blankets, pillows, anything that can support and care for your lover. Lastly, look for a special token of appreciation for the finishing touch – it could be a flower, a piece of chocolate, or some other meaningful or beautiful object.

Have a pitcher of water and a bottle of champagne with glasses on the nightstand or nightstand ready to be served at the desired time.

  1. Take out the sarongs

Instead of lingerie or other items, get a pair of colorful sarongs. They are easily attached and effortlessly removed at the right time. Place the sarong at the end of the bed or mat where they will rest, play, love and enjoy each other.

  1. Set the tone

As you organize the materials you have collected, think about the configuration that best suits your space. If you are offering your loved one a massage or a sacred healing session, create a comfortable capsule on the floor or in bed for your partner to lie down. If you are having an intentional love session, spruce up the bed with soft fabrics and blankets to enhance the sensuality.

Scatter candles around the room and dim the lights. Place the special token, such as a flower or a piece of chocolate, on top of the pillow where your loved one will lay their head.

Finally, choose the music that best suits your Sacred Space. It can be soothing and relaxing instrumental music or a playlist of your lover’s favorite songs. Or go to the Tantra Love channel on Pandora. Music makes a difference in mood.

  1. Set an intention

Take a moment to step back and admire your work. Think of your loved one and your love for each other. Visualize the sense of wonder and awe your lover expresses upon entering the sanctuary. Take advantage of that feeling and imagine spreading that love around the room, allowing it to encompass the space.

Set an intention for the evening, such as honoring your loved one, and then relax and let it go.

Now that you have prepared the sanctuary of love, you are ready to call your loved one to Sacred Space. Look at the surprise on his face, his delight and Ah! Hugging and undressing in slow motion. Breathe together. Cut every moment. Pick up the sarongs and wrap one around the body of your beloved and invite him to cover you in turn.

Dance! Move! Laughter! To breathe! Retreat to the beautifully prepared bed or mat. And enjoy timeless love!

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