Digital Marketing

creative internet marketing ideas

It may seem strange that creativity should play a role in any form of marketing. Marketing, after all, is simply about selling products or services to customers in exchange for money. How can such a realistic activity have a creative aspect? Creativity actually plays an important role in business, especially in the realm of internet marketing. The OED defines creativity as: “The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness:” If you are familiar with how internet marketing works, the creative aspect of the business becomes very clear in light of that definition.

The three crucial words in the definition above are “imaginative”, “original” and inventiveness”. I would say that all three are of great importance in creative internet marketing. The actual mundane part of the business, the buying and selling, may not contain much creativity, but the process leading up to the transaction certainly does. An online business also involves several of the creative arts, not just one. So let me bring to your attention some creative internet marketing ideas.

The visual arts play a role in many ways. Website design is a very important aspect of any online presence; is the showcase. A good website welcomes visitors and ideally keeps them engaged for at least several minutes. Hopefully, it will lead them to look at the products and services on offer and incentivize them to make that all-important purchase or opt-in.

Rebranding of licensed products also requires creative artwork. With a rebranding strategy, a marketer can present an existing product in a unique version, much like supermarkets have their own brands. These are just existing products with the retailers own label and packaging. Internet marketers endorse a product with a whole new look.

Writing a good and effective sales letter is an art form in its own right. Probably more has been written on this topic than on any other aspect of internet marketing. This is creative writing of a very specialized kind. A good sales letter will excite readers, inform readers, engage and even entertain readers. If you can keep the reader engaged in your writing until the end of your letter without getting distracted, you have a good chance of making a sale. This requires imagination and technique.

There are many times in running an online business where copywriting becomes important. Redaction is a term that the dictionary describes as “the text of advertisements or advertising material”. Therefore, in addition to sales letters and website content, we must be equally creative in writing emails, newsletters, promotional articles, e-books, reports, etc.

There is more specialized creativity involved in making video presentations for websites and other promotional material. These videos have become more and more prevalent in the last few years or so. Producing them requires a different set of creative skills, although some of the software now available makes it easy to deal with the technical aspects in your spare room at home. Therefore, there are a number of creative internet marketing ideas and skills that can greatly improve any business.

If you feel that you are not a ‘creative’ person and would struggle with some, if not all, of the ones I’ve written about here, don’t despair. By using online companies like “Fiverr” gold “Upwork” you can find experts who can do it all for you, and it won’t break the bank either!

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