
Do puppies need to chew on things?

One of those actions that can drive you crazy and leave you with a closet full of chewed-up shoes is a chewing and biting problem. If you find yourself buying new power cables, garden stones and furniture. Your pet may just have a bite problem.

Puppies love to chew on anything they can sink their teeth into as this is just a biological habit and natural reaction for them. It’s natural, up to a point. According to the experts at Animal Planet, puppies use their mouths like we use our hands. You will never be able to stop your pup from chewing entirely; instead, you need to find alternative options for your pup to chew on. Buy chew toys or bones for dogs that they can use when they feel like gnawing and you will be less likely to direct their chewing tendencies towards your things.

Behaviors that humans should avoid

There are also some human behaviors that can influence your dog’s chewing, so learn them and avoid doing them. These behaviors can lead to some serious long-term problems, so you want to make sure you don’t.

If you make sudden or quick movements towards your dog, even if you are just playing, he will want to bite him. Always stop playing if the puppy starts to bite you and tell him no, so he realizes that this is not your intended reaction. Dogs really have a hard time distinguishing between when it’s time to play and when it’s not, so keep them from getting into the habit of biting during play. They can also start using this habit at other times.

If your dog starts chewing or biting when you’re playing, you should also take out his chew toys, as he can chew on them without a problem.

Cage or kennel training

Always remember to stop aggressive behavior the moment it starts. You can also consider box training. When your dog starts to act aggressive, you can put him directly in his crate. Eventually, he will start to learn what behaviors lead to crate training and stop them.

Redirection, positive reinforcement, and punishment are the main steps to prevent your puppy from chewing on your favorite items and displaying other aggressive behaviors.

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