
dog care basics

The opportunity to care for a pet makes it a very rewarding activity and can bring back many good memories. A pet is a companion who is able to listen without batting an eyelid, brings joy when you feel down, and provides a high degree of loyalty throughout his life. It is no wonder that pets have always been one of the perfect means of reducing stress levels among people.

Dogs and cats have always been at the top of the list of favorites among people of all ages. This discussion focuses on dogs and the correct means of caring for dogs. Dogs share a pack mentality with a strong bond with their owner. The dog has been labeled as man’s best friend. This is due to the fact that dogs have consistently shown a great, and sometimes sacrificial, form of loyalty to their owners, putting even other human beings to shame. Proper care and lots of love will ensure a happy environment for the dog and the family.

Dog care begins when the dog is still a puppy. Making the decision to care for a puppy is a big responsibility. Dog owners are expected to raise their dogs with the proper love and care to instill good and desirable traits. It is totally unacceptable to be negligent just because of a lack of interest. Too many sad stories of abandoned dogs have already circulated.

A puppy is provided with proper dog care by teaching him to know who the members of the family are and house training. Positive reinforcement plays an integral role in instilling discipline and proper dog care. Harsh methods only make things worse and do little to teach puppies to behave.

Food is a very important element in dog care. Feeding times should be kept as constant as possible. Since a puppy is in the growth stage, proper nutrition is extremely important. Feeding times are slowly reduced as the puppy gets older. Clean water should always be available at all times.

Puppies will inevitably cause accidents with their droppings. Potty training will serve to teach the puppy where to relieve himself correctly, as long as it is done correctly. It is this aspect of pet care that some people find very tedious, but it is part of the responsibility of dog care. A dog cannot be expected to pick up after all.

If possible, avoid using spanking as a means of discipline. Dogs want your approval and want nothing more than to please, so be patient when they make mistakes. A firm “No” is enough to keep the dog under control. Rewarding good behavior will accelerate your dog’s learning, so be consistent with this as well.

Caring for a dog is very similar to raising a human baby. Proper training and love will allow a dog to grow up as a loving member of the family. A faithful dog is capable of giving a lot of himself without expecting anything more than your approval.

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