
dog diet guide

The nutritional needs of dogs differ from those of humans. What we think is healthy for us is often not enough or appropriate for dogs. To ensure that your dog receives the best nutrition, you must understand the specific needs of a dog and how to address these needs. Caring for man’s best friend requires a bit of preparation and knowledge.

There are essential nutrients needed to grow, walk and shine. If your dog doesn’t get the right nutrients, it can possibly result in poor health, stunted puppies, lethargy, and a shortened lifespan.

Dogs need five basic nutrients to survive: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. These serve different functions in maintaining the health and well-being of the dog and our guide will help you ensure that your dog receives these nutrients.

1. Protein

Proteins are the building block of health; are chemicals made from amino acids. Your dog can produce some of these chemicals in his own body, but the rest must be supplied through food intake. The best sources of these amino acids are meat and its derivatives. Dogs can extract protein from these much more easily than with plant sources. I repeat: meat.

Choose foods that have an adequate amount of protein to help your puppies and dogs grow.

2. Fats

Fat is something that everyone tries to avoid because it can cause many health problems, but dogs, however, just like humans, also need the nutrients contained in fat.

The correct amount of fat is necessary to promote good skin health and transport fat-soluble vitamins. Fats are also essential for kidney function and reproductive health, and also make foods more palatable. Too much fat will, of course, result in obesity and lethargy.

3. Carbohydrates

Fifty percent of your dog’s diet should consist of carbohydrates, needed for energy. Corn and soybeans are two of the most popular sources of this nutrient. If this source is clean and of good nutritional quality, make sure your dog’s diet contains at least 50% of these. Other carbohydrates include cooked rice and dry cereals prepared specifically for dogs.

4.Vitamins and Minerals

A dog needs an exact amount of vitamins and minerals to be healthy, and while your dog can receive these nutrients from his general food intake, vitamin supplements for your dog should be considered. Today’s promoted commercial dog foods also make it easy for owners to make sure their dogs are getting good nutrition.

Tips for buying dog food

Dogs need proper nutrition to be healthy, happy and for their coats to be soft and shiny. The cost of any dog ​​food and its brand is only important if the dogs can read or pay for the food. The easiest and best way to know which food is best for your dog is to see how he responds to the food he eats.

The following are tips to remember when feeding kibble, snacks, or any type of treat to your dog.

o Chocolate is lethal to dogs. The main components are the methylxanthine alkaloids and theobromine in regular chocolate and are digested and excreted by humans in less than 3 hours, but the same compounds when ingested by dogs remain within them for 18 hours and this has been shown to It is fatal. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include vomiting, excessive urination, hyperactivity, diarrhea and these can be followed by seizures, coma and ultimately death.

o Read the product label. Dogs should have a diet rich in meat protein, so when shopping for canned food look for chicken, turkey, any red meat, pork or other animal by-products as these keep the dog’s coat soft and healthy. Dogs prefer meat-based diets because they are easily digestible and are a great source of energy.

o Don’t give a dog just any bone. Contrary to popular belief, feeding bones to dogs is not necessarily a good idea. Small soft bones gnawed and eaten by dogs can splinter inside their throats and cause them to choke. Chicken necks do not splinter, nor does the breast bone of any animal, so these are good to give to the dog as they also provide gum and teeth care when the dog bites into them. Dogs have short digestive tracts and also do not have amylase in their saliva, the enzyme that humans have that is used to predigest starch.

o Dog food supplements are unnecessary only if you are sure your dog is receiving a regular intake of complete and balanced food nutrients. Good sources of carbohydrates include rice, corn, oatmeal, wheat. A highly specialized nutrition diet is only necessary if your dog is not getting enough physical activity or is going through a stressful change in routine.

o Raw fish and eggs are prohibited in a dog’s diet. Constant consumption of raw eggs causes a dog’s skin to become flaky as the eggs deplete the available biotin in his body and the usual results are dermatitis and hair loss. Raw fish creates a thiamine deficiency in a dog and its effects are loss of appetite, abnormal posture, weakness, and sometimes death.

Feed your dog a healthy diet as described above and he will always have a beautiful coat and many years of companionship.

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