
Dr. Perricone’s Diet: How Your System Efficiently Sheds Belly Fat

According to Dr. Perricone, inflammation in your body is what makes you look fat. So, to shed fat efficiently, especially belly fat, he formulated a diet that can help solve his problem and that of many other people. The system claims that skin damage, oiliness, and even signs of aging are caused by eating the wrong types of food.

Then Dr. Perricone devised a diet consisting of the following guidelines:

1. Whole grain carbohydrates such as whole grain bread, legumes, beans and cereals have a low glycemic index which prevents rapid insulin secretion. So get rid of refined foods, also known as high-glycemic carbohydrates or “bad carbs.”

two. Less intake of dairy products., including whole milk and hard cheese, as they are high in fat. Choose low-fat alternatives instead: low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta, Cheddar, and Swiss cheese.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables as they are rich in antioxidants. Eat avocados, acai berries, melons, bell peppers, pineapples, tomatoes, and dark green leafy vegetables, along with orange/yellow fruits.

Four. Eat foods rich in protein to help you increase metabolism, thus eliminating abdominal fat. Salmon, eggs, skinless chicken, and other meats are not as easy to digest and therefore require more calories for the body to burn.

5. Eat the right fats. Healthy fats not only have omega-3 fatty acids that help protect cells, they also have oleic acid that helps throughout the process. Limit or even stop the use of saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and polyunsaturated fats.

6. Drink plenty of water. Dr. Perricone recommends drinking plenty of water if losing belly fat is a concern for a person. Water provides great benefits to the skin and also to the digestive system.

Looking at this system, it shows that balanced and healthy eating is encouraged. Side effects are not expected. However, more commitment and dedication is required from the consumer or specifically from the dieter.

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