
Ensure a good relationship between your cat and your children

Many parents know that the best way for children to learn compassion and the importance of keeping commitments is by helping to care for a pet. Children learn by observing the adults in their lives. If a child can learn to treat an animal with respect, they can carry that lesson later in life. A cat can be a wonderful and loving companion for a child, but it is up to the adults in the family to ensure that the cat and the children live together happily ever after.

When you first bring a cat home, explain to your child that you will need to be patient, quiet, and gentle to help the cat feel safe. Sit on the floor with your child and help him practice patience as the cat is encouraged to come closer. Let your child feed the cat a piece of food from his hand. If the cat is reluctant to approach, ask your child to gently toss a piece of food near the cat. Once the cat realizes what your child has to offer, the ice will melt.

Very young children can easily overwhelm a cat or kitten with their exuberance. Children under the age of five should always be supervised when playing or handling a cat. Children over the age of 12 can generally be trusted to be kind, but be sure to occasionally check in on children under the age of 12 when they are spending concentrated time with the family cat.

You should remind children not to disturb a sleeping cat or a cat that is using its litter tray.

Kittens appear to be incredibly flexible, and children often do not think of placing a week-old cat in the crook of the arm and carrying it around as a toy, or grabbing a kitten by the neck. In this position, it is easy for the kitten to fall and be seriously injured. Also, being carried like this leaves the cat feeling unsupported with its hind legs swaying in space.

The best way to carry a kitten or cat is to place one hand or arm under its front legs and support its hind legs with the other hand or arm. This gives the cat a sense of security. Teach your children not to carry the cat from one place to another. Explain that for the cat’s safety, they should always sit when they want to hug the cat and have their friends do the same.

Cats usually have a mind of their own. Your child may feel like snuggling quietly at a time when your cat wants to play jump. Impress your children that if the cat ever struggles to escape, they should respect his wishes and let him go. A cornered cat will scratch and bite.

Encourage your children to exercise the cat by playing with appropriate toys. It’s always tempting to play “hold my hand” with a kitten, because it’s so much fun how fascinated he is with your fingers. You need to make sure your children know the difference between playing and teasing your cat. If you teach a kitten that finger tapping and biting is acceptable, you will end up with an adult cat attacking you regularly. Not exactly the kind of cuddly cat that parents want for their children.

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