Lifestyle Fashion

Fruits and vegetables on a Candida diet

This article will discuss Candida diets and the consumption of fruits and vegetables. This idea is based on a question I received via email in my inbox from a reader who seemed a bit confused. You are reading from some sources that eating only fruits and vegetables is good for people with Candida. She wonders about the simple sugar in fruit, because she knows for a fact that most Candida diets recommend not eating fruit. She then wonders if it is safe to eat only vegetables.

After reading the question above, I did some research. I understand your concern, but eating fruits and vegetables must be good, because it is the natural human diet. I recommended it to a friend of mine lately who suffered from long-term Candida who never dared to eat fruits, vegetables, etc. He immediately turned to raw vegan food and made an effort to stick to it (including bananas, which are one of the sweetest fruits). He told me that now she only feels sick when she has something cooked.

However, FYI, the main thing to know on Candida diets is to eat vegetables. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh vegetables, preferably raw, to combat yeast infection. This is very important in the Candida diet because vegetables not only make the Candida hungry for its diet of sugar and mold, they also absorb fungal poisons and flush them out of your body.

There are vegetables that actually inhibit and prevent the growth of Candida. These include: onions, raw garlic, cabbage, broccoli, kale, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower, bell peppers, celery, radish, etc.

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