Lifestyle Fashion

Get into the flirting mindset

To get in the right mindset, let’s start with a quick question. What would you try if you thought you couldn’t fail? That’s right, you would try anything.

To be a successful flirt, you have to approach it with a mindset that says you can’t fail. Does this mean that it will always be successful? Of course not, but what it will do is allow you to analyze the times it didn’t work and adjust your style accordingly. We learn from our mistakes in all areas of our lives, so the same principle applies with flirting. You have to remember that flirting is about having the right attitude, if you believe it you can do it. If you still fear rejection, you have to learn to overcome that fear or you won’t enjoy the sweet taste of success.

An important piece of advice that comes to mind is to practice flirting every day with people of all ages, both men and women. If you can master the innocent type of friendly mutual flirtation, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the whole variety.

Although it may not seem like it at times, you have the power to control your own thoughts. If you hear enough negative messages, chances are you’ll start to believe them. It is well documented that if you keep telling yourself that you are useless and that you will not have any success, these thoughts will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. To conquer these negative thoughts and feelings, you should try saying positive affirmations and mantras to overcome these negative thoughts. By simply repeating these positive messages, you are, in fact, reprogramming your subconscious with this positive way of thinking.

Make the decision today to be a brilliant flirt and get ready to reap its rewards with more friendships, better working relationships, and best of all, great dates.

Every night before you go to sleep, be sure to clear your mind of any negative thoughts that may be lingering. Replace those negative thoughts with three positive things that happened to you that day. By focusing on the positive, you allow your brain to eliminate the negative. If you want to speed up this process, try writing these thoughts down and documenting your successes. By doing this, you can read these positive thoughts when you wake up in the morning.

You may be carrying some flirting baggage from previous bad experiences. You need to banish this flirting baggage to make sure it doesn’t hold you back. There are two types of flirt baggage:

  • The guy you talk to people about. Whatever you do, don’t tell people you’ve just met about your hang-ups or, worse yet, your exes, just let them form their own opinion. Instead of putting your energy into what you say, focus on how you sound, you should sound confident throughout the conversation.
  • The kind that stays inside of you. This can be the worst kind of baggage, as it has been brewing inside you for a while and during that time you will have blown it out of proportion. A quick reality check will confirm that this baggage isn’t as bad as you’ve been led to believe. Remember that the person who is flirting with you is not interested in your old complexes, but in getting to know you. It’s time to leave your flirting baggage behind, replace it with new positive experiences, and start enjoying life again.

Now that you’ve gotten rid of all that negative baggage, it’s time to put that positive energy to good use by making new friends and getting more dates. Practice makes perfect: use a combination of flirts to become a flirting expert.

Think about your daily routine and the people you are likely to meet throughout the day. On an average day, you can expect to interact with:

  • people on public transport
  • colleagues at work
  • People at the gym or whatever other hobbies you have.
  • People on social networking sites
  • People by text or email
  • shopping people
  • people walking their dogs
  • People standing in queues

As you can see, you have endless opportunities every day to practice your flirting skills, so there’s no excuse not to practice every day. Why not start that daily practice today?

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