Arts Entertainments

Getting Over The Blahs – How To Change Your Mood In Two Easy Steps

This morning, I woke up feeling less than happy. I didn’t feel like doing anything, exercises included! I couldn’t understand what was causing my mood. I just woke up like this. I felt really down…even a little down. Now, I’m not saying this happens regularly, but I think it happens to all of us at one time or another. Normally we are quite upbeat and cheerful, at least ready to start the day, but from time to time we get cranky without really understanding why.

Instead of trying to understand WHY I felt this way, I realized that it was more important to do something about it. When we’re feeling blah, we can analyze all we want, but it rarely makes us feel better. That, at least, has been my own experience. As a self-empowerment advocate, I take every opportunity to empower myself, and I knew I could get past this blah feeling.

My all-time favorite tool for overcoming ANY type of obstacle is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or Tapping as it is sometimes called. It is so simple and easy to use, even a child could do it and I have found the results to be absolutely amazing. Without a word of lie, it has transformed my life. EFT is based on meridians or acupressure points (no needles). So I did the following to get over my blahs:

Step #1: Acknowledge how you feel

You may feel like you are reinforcing your negative mood by acknowledging your feelings. But the fact is that you feel the way you feel and trying to sweep it under the rug and pretend you don’t feel blah won’t do any good. It is what it is. Simple as that. And no amount of “positive” talk will hide it.

Throughout the following routine, try to really feel the emotion of the blah, the sadness, or whatever, tune into it. I usually close my eyes and try to get in touch with what I’m feeling. Sometimes I feel tightness or some other physical sensation in some part of my body, but not always. At other times I will get an idea of ​​what has caused my feeling, but not always. Just go with what comes up.

Begin with a setup statement that acknowledges the emotion you are feeling right now:

Even though I’m feeling down/blah/moody (or whatever you’re feeling), I (choose) to love and accept myself anyway.

Repeat this statement three times while touching the karate chop with the fingertips of the other hand. The karate chop is the fleshy part on the side of the hand just below the little finger. He tapped rather quickly as he repeated the statement of readiness. There is very little you can do “wrong” in EFT, but if you want more guidelines, I have a demonstration video on my website.

After the setting statement, lightly touch the following points with your fingertips for 5-7 times. You can use the middle and index fingers or all the fingers. It doesn’t matter. You can also use one or both hands. But that can get a bit tricky if you’re not familiar with EFT! As you tap, repeat a short phrase that summarizes your opening statement, such as “feeling blah.”

Touch Points:

(EB) Eyebrow (At the inner end of the eyebrow)

(SE) Side of the Eye (Between the side of the eye and the temple, near the eye)

(UE) Under the eye (The fleshy part immediately below the eye)

(UN) Under the Nose (Between the upper lip and the nose)

(CH) Chin (In the crease below the lower lip)

(CB) Clavicle (About an inch below the clavicle, below and a little to the left or right of the throat)

(UA) Underarm (about 3″ below armpit: bra line for women!)

(WR) Wrist (Where the hand is bent)

(TH) Top of the head (At the crown of the head)

Now take a deep breath.

After this round, I guarantee you’ll feel better. It certainly was! If you don’t feel any change, or feel only slightly better, try going through the entire routine again, but this time add “still” to your opening statement and summary sentence.

Even though I STILL feel down/blah/moody (or whatever you’re feeling), I (choose) to love and accept myself anyway.

I STILL feel blah.

stepisode #2: Reinforce the best feelings

Once I finished the first round of EFT, I certainly felt happy and ready to start the day. However, I like to end my EFT sessions with some positive affirmations using the Tapping Points above.

Tap the points (EB to TH) by repeating positive affirmations like:

  • I have a lot to be thankful for
  • This too shall pass
  • my life is good
  • I am loved and appreciated

Use whatever affirmation feels good to you.

Regardless of what I’m tapping on, I often get the feeling that my summary statement is no longer true as I proceed through the points. This happens when the “negative” emotion is released and is perfectly normal. It is a sign that the cause of your problem is being cured. What could be simpler than that!

This routine will even work with deeper depression, but May require a more persistent approach. I would highly recommend locating a professional EFT practitioner if you are suffering from long term depression or any other acute affliction. But, for the occasional blahs, use EFT and tap the blues away! It always works!

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