
Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra with Reiki: Taking Action

At the age of two, your solar plexus chakra opens and gains energy. This explains the phenomenon that parents refer to as the “terrible twos.” If children are supported in their growth at this stage, this leads to a healthy development of self-esteem and allows them to develop. Note the symbolic correlation between the element “fire” and the right to take “action.” If a child is hindered at this stage of development, he can contribute to a lifelong lack of self-confidence and a fear of taking action. On the other hand, if a child is overly spoiled during this time, the solar plexus may respond with aggressive or stubborn behavior, indicating excessive ego. Another possibility is that aggressive or stubborn children are compensating for weaknesses in their first or second chakra. I call the solar plexus the “action chakra” because healing it helps people take the necessary and appropriate steps to get their lives back on track. This may include taking action in terms of changing jobs, moving house, or pursuing a dream.

To lease: Solar plexus, mid abdomen

healing color:Yellow

Element: Fire

developmental age: 18 months to 4 years

Personal Rights: Act and be an individual (self-definition)

Related Physical Organs: Digestive system, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver

Balanced Features: Responsible, trustworthy, effective will, confident

deficiency symptoms: Low energy, weak will, low self-esteem

Symptoms of excess: Aggressive, controlling, stubborn, hyperactive

emotional trauma: Shame, authoritarianism, domination of the will, abuse

Healing Practices: Stress management, vigorous exercise

Positive statement: I have the right to take action.

The experience of one of my students from Australia demonstrates several issues that inhabit the solar plexus, including aggression, responsibility, and self-definition. She told me, “I finally got to the bottom of the problem that surfaced during our last Reiki session. If you remember, you felt that the age of 6 was the time of the problem and that it was about responsibility and loss.” of childhood. I couldn’t relate to this because I had been focusing on my parents and nothing quite resonated. This morning, I suddenly realized that the problem is with my sister. A lot of hatred towards her came out like a hiss. She was constantly a “drama queen”, manipulating everyone with tears and tantrums. When I was 6 years old, she would have been 4 or 5 years old. I remember that we had to constantly appease her to keep the peace and Mom trusted me. letting my wishes go unheeded if they clashed with my sister’s. My mother put me in charge of her. I had to take her to Sunday school and it involved crossing a busy street. I remembered that she was very afraid to cross the street with no pedestrian lights to help. There was a feeling of heaviness, of too much responsibility beyond my capabilities.”

We talked more about her childhood and realized the healing implications in her own life. She said, “What about me? Now I understand how I felt about my sister at that age, but what I hadn’t been able to admit to myself until now, as it clashed with my ego’s identification as the trustworthy and trustworthy person.” “. responsible child. As I relived the stressful scene, the Reiki energy helped me change and clear up and I felt so much better afterwards. I wonder if there are still more painful memories of 6 years haunting me! Keep investigating”.

A little later she told me, “I took Reiki daily for the next week and more of the fear of being overloaded with responsibilities as a child surfaced and healed. Reiki has been a valuable tool in helping me clear painful emotions.” and fearful of my body, both when someone else gives me healing and when I send it to myself. Her Reiki experience reveals the issues that she is now releasing more than 40 years after the fact. The behavior of her younger sister indicates an excess of energy in the solar plexus. Reiki empowered and encouraged Anne to return to her childhood memories of her to reassess and release old feelings and outdated behavior patterns. Her healing process is helping her recognize her own highly demanding sense of responsibility. She is now establishing a more effective concept of responsibility in her adult life, which is giving her great relief.

As you give yourself Reiki, reflect on the characteristics and essence of this chakra. Focus your healing intention on whatever topic resonates most strongly with you.

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