
Ho’oponopono and the manifestation of wealth: how reconciliation and forgiveness develop a prosperity mindset

Those who practice the Cosmic Law of Attraction are often reminded that our lives will reflect our vibrational levels. So we might ask ourselves, “what is the vibrational level of happiness?” or “what is the vibrational level or frequency of wealth?” David Hawkins, in Power Vs Force, has given us a table of vibrational levels. Ho’oponopono is a prayer that will help us reach and retain high levels.

“Divinity, I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” Ho’oponopono is such a simple prayer, yet each statement represents a feeling with a high vibrational level. The feeling of (unconditional) Love is 500 on David Hawkins’ chart of vibrational levels. The emotion that enhances the changes in the Divine Matrix is ​​”Reverence”. According to David Hawkins, one person who achieves 500-540 outperforms 750,000 people below the 200 level, or below the first positive emotion. This would be the equivalent population of Charlotte, NC, or Oklahoma City, OK.

Forgiveness, expressed by “I’m sorry, please forgive me” is the emotion related to acceptance. This is the acceptance that we are 100% responsible for our lives and the lives of those around us. The vibrational number for this is 350-400. People at this level outweigh 90,000 people living under 200. Acceptance allows us to manifest using the cosmic law of attraction.

“Thanks.” This, in my mind, represents serenity, the excitement that emanates from the feeling of joy that follows any connection to the Divine. This is 540 – 600 on the David Hawkins scale. This is a place of harmony. This status can counter 10,000,000 people living under 200.

When Dr. Hew Len teaches us Ho’oponopono, he talks about how our memories (data, data, data) trigger a re-enactment or recollection of our history, and the history of our ancestors, in our present lifetime. In this way, our history can directly cause misery around us. Thus, by letting go of his story and his emotional attachment to that story, Dr. Hew Len was able to “cure” an entire hospital of convicted criminally insane people.

For ten years, I have been repeating this prayer. I’ve seen it “cure” traffic jams and hysterical little kids. I have seen it affect the people around me, although I only replay it in my mind. I’ve also seen him change me when I was at my worst. David Hawkins claims that only 0.4 percent of the world will reach love, as Gandhi and Mother Teresa reached this level. They took 100% responsibility for the communities they lived in, not just their own lives. Love at this level is selfless and intuitive. Perhaps few humans reach this level to be able to live at this level, but I think the power of Ho’oponopono is that each of us can reach these levels even for a while.

Ho’oponopono is an affirmation that these vibrational levels are desired and believed. Ho’oponopono is an affirmation that we take 100% responsibility for our lives. “Ho’oponopono, Divinity, I love you; please forgive me and all my kin since the beginning of time. Thank you; it is done.”

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