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How does distracted driving affect truck drivers?

Driving a truck is a huge task with a huge responsibility and requires great skill to drive it well. There is a reason why a driver requires a special license to drive a truck. He must consider the size of the vehicle, its weight, its shifting capabilities, its width, and its overall capabilities. The driver must be aware of his actions on the road and how it affects other road users. So when a truck driver decides to multitask while driving, it can cause a distraction with devastating consequences.

There are several ways a truck driver can be distracted while driving.

They may be hungry and decide to eat lunch while driving. This eating and drinking action would cause the driver to look away from the road for a few seconds while reaching for the burger or drink. This may seem innocent, but keep in mind that with every bite and sip, your eyes are drawn away from the road. Those few seconds turn into multiple seconds of distractions.

Many drivers find driving tedious and boring, so they turn to mobile phones to send text messages or take calls. With texting, your eyes and concentration are not in the way. Depending on the length of the text you’re reading and responding to, you could take your eyes off the road for 10, 20, or 30 seconds. This is enough time to cause a collision. Talking on a mobile phone may seem harmless because you are looking directly at the road. But consider this: how much of your mind is on the road ahead? You tend to focus more on what the person on the cell phone is saying to you than on what is happening on the road.

Using a satellite navigation system is another form of distraction. It is better to set the destination coordinates or address when the truck has stopped. Attempting to enter an address will take your eyes off the road and could cause an accident.

Any form of distraction is not acceptable while driving a vehicle, especially a truck. Some drivers also get distracted by the pictures or digits on the dash, or think about when the next service is due and what parts of the truck need to be replaced. Keep your mind and eyes focused on the road at all times while driving to ensure a safer ride.

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