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How to dominate your girlfriend and please her in the bedroom

All girls secretly want to be dominated and your girlfriend is no different. They want you to take control of them and force them to do things. Some want you to make them do really dirty things, and some just want you to tell them what to do. But you won’t find out how perverted they are unless you start to dominate them.

Women enjoy things like

-Be manipulated. Pick them up and throw them on the bed.

-Tell you what to do. Don’t bark orders at them, but don’t ask questions either. Just tell them what to do and expect them to do it.

– Let them pull their hair. For most women this is exciting.

-Being whipped. More women than you would realize actually love this.

Remember that we all evolved from animals and animal sexual behavior is what we respond to. Do you think an animal gorilla nicely asks its partner to have sex with it? No, he just gets on top of her and starts doing it. And you think women like this? Of course they do. Women have to like sex or the human race would have been extinct long ago. So while women can pretend they don’t like being mistreated or spanked. (You have to keep up appearances, it’s supposed to be a feminist world we live in, remember.) They secretly love being ordered around and thrown around. They love being the submissive woman to your dominant man.

Women are turned on by how manly you are.

And how manly you are depends on your confidence and how much you understand about female sexuality. In general, the more you understand about female sexuality, the more confident you’ll be and the more you’ll turn them on.

They love to see and feel you take charge and take control. They want you to have control over them, over their bodies and over their minds. Deep down, most girlfriends are submissive in the bedroom, they love being your willing slave. They also love it when you talk dirty to them. Women like to feel like you are the master over them. Women originally were used to seeking out the alpha male of the group and trying to get pregnant by him. Nowadays we tend to pair off more instead of living in groups, but you can still be the alpha male of your life as a woman. The one that excites her.

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