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How To Get The Woman You Want Using Simple Hypnosis Techniques: "In a bar" Part three

Great job! Until now we have convinced ourselves that we are loaded with self-confidence and we have managed to make the girl in front of us interested in knowing more about us. She now she is sure that we are full of self-confidence and we also turned her internal balance into a complete mess. Isn’t that cool?

Now let’s finally do something about it:

1. Wait a few seconds, then get up from your seat, take a deep breath, and walk towards her. Make sure you walk a little slowly so he knows you’re coming. As soon as you get there, extend her hand to greet her and simply say, “Nice to meet you. I’m Roni” (you may want to use your own name), of course, don’t forget to look directly. in her “bridge” this will create a complete subconscious breakdown in her mind.

2. A normal person should reach back and shake your hand. Once he does, shake his hand while gently pressing your thumb over his hand in a light circular motion. The sensation this creates also adds to the overall effect of dazzling her.

3. At this point, you should check your answer and act accordingly: if you shake your hand and/or smile and/or say your name, it’s okay and you can continue. If he tries to ignore you or shakes your hand lightly and turns away, it’s over, you must have done something wrong, or maybe you didn’t follow all the rules at the bottom of this page (so keep reading). If something like this happens, just say the following: “I just wanted to say that you look pretty good. Have a great night.” And then walk away and go back to your seat. What you did now completely confused her because she was sure you were going to try something and you didn’t. Is that not wired? Yes. Just let her keep thinking what she wants. You can be sure that no matter what, she will think of you later that night. This happened to me once and a week later that same girl saw me in the same place. I just smiled and waved at her and she got up and came over to talk to me. So, don’t get upset about something like this. It will happen and more than once. Keep trying and stick to the rules.

4. If you have reached this step, everything is fine and the moment of truth has arrived. This is where most people screw up trying to have a meaningful conversation and trying to find out exactly how old their little brother is and what his name is. Whose ! You can’t have a conversation for the first time in a bar and most likely will come to the conclusion that you are not as interesting as he thought. What you should do now is simple. Just focus on her bridge and just say this: “I just wanted to say that you seem like a really nice girl and I’ll be happy to get to know you a little better.” Wow! That’s all? Yes. Everything you need in one simple phrase. You’re looking at her bridge, so it’s hard for her to focus on what you’re saying. You didn’t tell her that she was beautiful, you told her that she “seems nice.” The average girl will immediately think that there is something wrong with her appearance and that will add to the confusion. You also said that you just want to get to know her “a little better”, what does that mean? Let the average girl find thousands of different interpretations. That is the beauty of this award. And now is the time of the golden moment.

5. If you are new to this method, I suggest that for now you only ask for their phone number. Do it like this: “I’d really like to talk to you more, but I have to go. Is it okay if we talk tomorrow on the phone?”, when you’ve practiced enough and gotten enough phone numbers (remember: Practice until you hit pitch correct soft spoken which will calm her down and make her trust you enough to give you her phone number so please don’t give up after the first time you fail mastered) you can try to skip the phone part by saying something like this: “I’d really like to get to know you a little better, but I’m about to go to — (fill in with a great place everyone likes to go to and I don’t mean your house? Would you like to join me, should it be?” fun” that’s all. If she wants to go with you that’s great, if not, just settle for a phone number.

Some very important rules that you should never break:

1. Before you even start, make sure there is no boyfriend/husband in sight. That can save you wasted time and effort.

2. If the girl is alone in the bar it’s great but very weird. It is not recommended to apply this system to a girl who sits with a girlfriend because the girlfriend will take the attention away from her. A girl who is sitting with a group of people can also be dangerous because she will be shy to do what she wants.

3. The solution is to wait for the perfect moment when she is not part of the conversation or is temporarily alone. The more experience you have in this method, the easier it will be for you to approach a group of girls and talk to the girl of your dreams. When you do, it’s a really good idea to say “sorry to bother” her friends before you start.

4. Never give up! Keep trying until you get it right. That’s the best idea I can give you.

5. Use common sense and when you get a “bad vibe” from her when you get close just walk away. The “bad vibes” are most likely correct.

Good luck for you. And let us know how it works for you.

End of the series of articles.

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