Arts Entertainments

How to get your Mojo back by improving your marriage fast!

The fastest way to change your emotions is through your breath. Every time you exhale, exhale fear. Each time you inhale, breathe in peace. After doing this three times, you will notice that your body already feels more relaxed. It happens quickly. Continue breathing in this way.

Your heart should be open, not closed. Breathe deeply into your chest and feel your heart open.

Visualize in your mind the positive relationship you want. Create a picture of you and your spouse in your dream relationship, the way you would like to see yourself when you are together and loving each other.

Anytime you think about your anger, hurt, or hurt with your spouse, you should immediately focus on something you appreciate about your partner. It could be something he or she said or did recently, or something you haven’t appreciated until now.

The more specific your appreciation, the more your spouse will take it in. Instead of saying, “I love your smile,” you could say, “I loved the way you smiled at me this morning as we sat down for breakfast. Your eyes sparkled and I could feel your love.”

Tell your spouse what you appreciate while looking into their eyes. Eye contact is essential to let your spouse know you mean what you’re saying.

Your tone is just as important, even more important, than your words. Your spouse will resonate with your feelings, which will be reflected in your tone. You must be sincere.

Once you’ve broken the ice by sharing your first appreciation with your spouse, continue to appreciate your partner twice a day. First thing in the morning and last thing at night, or whatever works for you and your spouse.

By appreciating your spouse on a daily basis, you will change your relationship. Notice how you are already changing, how your body feels energetic and lighter, how you feel better about yourself for appreciating your spouse.

I counseled a couple who had been married for more than fifteen years and who were heading for divorce. By sharing appreciations with each other every day, they kept their marriage together. They sat together once a day and held hands. As they looked into each other’s eyes, they each told their spouse something they loved and appreciated about each other. They did this every day for a year. Not only did they avoid a divorce, but at the end of the year they were back together in the relationship they both wanted.

Here’s the secret: what you give to your partner, you do for you. The love you give to your spouse returns to you. What you give is what you get. You end up feeling better and so does your spouse. You have your mojo again.

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