
How to meet the man of your dreams

You’re not going to meet Prince Charming in a club.

If you want an adventure or a booty call, you’re in luck. That’s what clubs are for. But you want love. Think about it: how many of your happily married friends tell you the story of meeting their spouse at a bar or club? Clubs are where you find lust, not love. Don’t confuse the two. You want something better than that. If you want to meet a great guy, you have to go where they are. You also have to know how you define a “great guy.”

The devil is in the details and so is the man you’ve been looking for. Having a list of the qualities you are looking for is critical to finding the right man for you. When you go grocery shopping without a list, you always end up with a bunch of crap you don’t need. The same with life. and men. If you don’t know what you want and what makes you happy, no one else can do it for you.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably single and don’t want to be. You’ve been burned so badly by Mr. Wrong that you’re considering switching teams and you’re one pet adoption away from becoming the “crazy cat lady.” But let’s be honest, a lot of guys are gross. If you’re tired of garbage, you have to stop shopping at the dump. After you have identified the type of man you want, you have to figure out where he hangs out and go there. Here are some basic types of men and where to find them.

Do you want a boy’s boy who is loyal to death and knows every score? Someone who knows how to make you laugh when you’re at war with the world? The kind of person that everyone thinks he’s a jerk, but you? So you want a frat boy with a heart of gold. Where are you going? He has a sports bar. On NFL Sundays, you’ll see a 50-to-1 boy-to-girl ratio. Don’t you want to be the initiator? Don’t worry. You won’t have to do ANYTHING. Buy yourself a t-shirt, have a beer and yell once in a while.” [Insert team] sucks!” You won’t be alone for long.

Do you want to meet a guy who writes computer code and can be trained however you want? Then you need a nerd, and you can find one at your local video game or comic book store. All you have to do is be a real life girl and you’ll feel like a Playboy Playmate for a day. If these guys had social skills, they wouldn’t be writing code for a living, so you’ll probably have to make the first move.

If you’re looking for a guy who’s flexible, sensitive, and shops at Whole Foods, you need a yoga guy. Grab a mat, a towel, and get your butt to class!

These are just some of the types that exist. The first step in my process is to make a list of typical “guy places” that you would never get caught and leave. You’ll find a great guy sooner than you think.

There are plenty of other places you can go. Put on something cute and go to your local bookstore, grocery store, sporting event, or coffee shop. Remember, to ask for help. Boys love to solve, fix things and help.

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