Arts Entertainments

How to stop a child from crying “Buy me this” while shopping

Have you had to deal with your child crying at the checkout because he refuses to buy you what he wants? A child can make you feel stressed and uncomfortable and sometimes anxious standing on the box. It’s amazing how a crying child can disturb everyone’s calm.

As you read on, you will see that children who act this way are very normal. Children use what works to get what they want. Parents deal with this in various ways, but usually not very effectively. But there is hope. Here’s a behavior change method for both of you to eliminate those stressful times. Let’s start.

It is important for parents to realize that children asking for things and using anything to get them is a normal healthy trait. A boy must be assertive to get what she wants. They usually compete against their brothers, sisters, or friends. Younger children don’t understand or care about unreasonable requests, they just know they want it. They don’t care if they make a scene, they just want what they want. So give them what they want, but give it to them within a new understanding that they have to change their behavior to get what they want.

Parents often have weak methods for dealing with the desire to have children. Some moms and dads just buy them what they want to stop them from whining. Other parents argue or reprimand their child. These methods simply leave the parent feeling frustrated and out of control. The child also does not enjoy tense emotional situations. Repeating this in most stores while shopping can make for a really long day.

The first most important thing is to create a new simple verbal understanding and rules for the child on how to ask mom or dad to buy them something. The following rules are the ones I used with my own children when they were little.

Rule 1 – Children can always ask for something in the store. Kids always love Rule 1.

rule 2 – If your answer is YES, then you cannot ask again. Let him take it with him, but if he forgets it and asks again, the rule is that he has to give up his choice and not ask again at the store. (I gave chances when mine forgot, I’m such mush.) Eventually they stop forgetting.

rule 3 – If your answer is NO, and they cry or drink wine, then they will not get anything from this store. Tell them that no matter what they say or do, they They have lost their chance at anything in this store because they cried. When reinforcing this rule, always speak in a calm tone, no matter how she reacts. Then continue with your purchases.

rule 4 – This rule is for you parents. Constancy and serenity. Rules must be applied consistently. It would be a good idea to echo “key” phrases like “I’ll buy you that, but you can’t ask for anything else. Okay?” and get your child’s approval. Staying calm during all of this gives your child the emotional understanding that he or she can get things from you without all the emotional drama from you under this new understanding.

These rules take a while to become effective, but the repetitive key phrases help to reduce the learning curve for children. Again, be patient and calm when applying these rules. Your children will change their attitude because as I said before, “children use what works to get what they want”, so show them that your rules are what will work for them.

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