
How to train a puppy to go to the bathroom and enjoy it

Potty Training your new puppy is no easy task, but it can be fun for both of you. Being persistent and dedicated to the task at hand will ensure victory. These techniques can be applied to training on porches, apartments, or patios.

First of all, be prepared when the puppy arrives.

Here is a list of things you will need:

  • a portable crate that is only big enough for the pup to turn around and lie down comfortably
  • collar and leash
  • cleaning products to clean and deodorize
  • paper towels
  • Puppy urine pads: in case you can’t get out in an emergency.
  • small treats or puppy pieces – you’re not feeding just rewarding.
  • patience and enthusiasm
  • a bell on a string or ribbon
  • Artificial turf for porch or patio training – use the same techniques as outdoor training

Potty training is an activity that you will have to dedicate your time to for quick results. There is no downtime. Let’s go for it. When a puppy is in the crate he can put up with his need to eliminate 1 hour for every month of his age plus an additional hour. Therefore, it is vital that he regulates his food intake and going outdoors.

  1. Hang the bell on the doorknob with a string long enough for a puppy to reach but not touching the floor. You will teach him that the sound means we are going outside to go to the bathroom.
  2. Set a schedule for feeding your puppy – check with your doctor for schedules.
  3. Just put out the food and water at the scheduled times. Remove food and water at off times. When he needs water, he will let you know by going to his place to eat.
  4. After the puppy has eaten its food, wait 10 to 20 minutes to take it outside or when it shows signs of needing to relieve itself, such as sniffing around or starting to circle. If he shows signs, pick him up and take him outside.
  5. Always put the puppy on a leash because he will know exactly what is going on. If you just let it out, you lose control of the situation and you should be in control.
  6. When you’re getting ready to go out, use an emotional statement like “outside! we go outside!”
  7. When you walk out the door you plan to take the puppy out of, ring the bell loudly. After he is trained, this will act as his notice that he has to go out to fulfill his duty. You will be surprised how quickly a puppy uses this as a signal.
  8. Walk the puppy in the same area each time you take it out.
  9. While you walk him and see that he is ready to relieve himself and while he does, repeat “do it now” or “go to the bathroom”. Once you choose a term, use only that term. You’ll be surprised that in no time he’ll delete on command when he hears you say it.
  10. During and after he is done, get excited and praise him, give him a small treat as a reward. No matter how many times he’s going to give me a treat and praise, “good dog, what a good dog” and pet the little one with enthusiasm. Let him know that he just did the best he has ever done and that he is very proud of you. Puppies want to make you happy, so make it fun. Save this kind of excitement for potty time. Give him the chance to pee and poop.
  11. take it inside
  12. Start all over again.

If your pup has an accident, correct it with a stern “No.” Quickly cleans and deodorizes the stain. You will find special cleaners for pets at the pet store. These are important investments.

Practice a lot because practice makes perfect. Remember to be watching after you eat and drink, you’ll have to be gone in minutes. This is something you should have control over. When you’re not cuddling or if you’re worried, gently place your little one in his crate. Don’t use the crate as a punishment, it is a tool you should use to get the best performance from your puppy. He will begin to love his cage as his safe place.

Remember to stay determined, excited, and grateful for all of your pup’s accomplishments. You will have entered into a great long-term relationship with man’s best friend.

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