
Imperative Advantages of Sandhi Sudha Plus

Joint pain has been a problem for a number of people due to metabolic disorders and lifestyle changes. Obese people tend to have knee, back, and leg problems. People who sit at the office table for long hours develop neck and shoulder pain. Sandhi Sudha comes as a rescue to tackle all these joint foods. This is a joint pain relief oil made from an all-natural preparation and is based on an Ayurvedic formula, which is 1000 years old. It is non-invasive and designed for external applications only.


· With regular use of the oil, it is possible to feel calm and relaxed.

Offers relief from body pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and back pain.

People with joint pain replenish their synovial fluid to help joints work well.

It relieves stiff muscles and also treats cervical spondylitis.

Bones and joints with long-term problems could also be treated with this oil.

How does it work?

The herbal formulation of this oil helps to improve the lubrication between the two glands to help their proper functioning. It also helps strengthen ligaments and muscles. After applying the oil should be massaged into the surface of the skin to aid its penetration, the circular motions of any massage would also help improve circulation in the affected area. Offers strength to joints weakened by age and calcium deficiency. It stimulates the synovial membranes to produce more synovial fluid to offer better lubrication between the joints.

How to use

The oil is intended for external application only. One or two tablespoons of 5 ml of oil should be taken in a bowl. Dip your fingertips into the oil and begin to gently massage the affected area with your fingertips. Too much pressure should not be applied and the oil should not be used on cut and damaged skin. Massages should be done with circular movements for at least 5 minutes. These steps can be repeated 3 times a day for 15 days for better results. A warm fomentation after the massage maximizes the results. Massage has been found to be highly effective in treating muscle pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, wrist pain, back pain, arthritis, and cervical spondylitis. Akarkara, nirgundi, gawarpatha are the main herbs used in the oil along with ten other herbs. Some of the rare herbs are used for better results in the oil.

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