Health Fitness

Intermittent fasting and the phase 1 diet to burn fat to the maximum

There may be many readers who are only familiar with one or the other. They both have a unique style that has a huge impact on fat loss and proper health. On the surface, only one of these is considered a “diet,” but even that term is used very loosely. I am very familiar with both in regards to fat loss and general health benefits, so giving a general summary of both will be appropriate. I truly believe that if you bridge the gap and combine these two styles, you will be able to produce some pretty amazing fat loss results. Let’s start!

Fasting to lose fat is extremely effective

The idea of ​​fasting on a diet plan tends to receive some very negative feedback within the fitness culture. Many companies and trainers lead us to believe that if you don’t eat every few hours, your metabolism will slow down or cause our bodies to go into “starvation mode.” Before continuing, we must establish that “slow metabolism” maybe one of the biggest myths in the entire fitness industry. Metabolism is reduced with chronic low calorie intakes that last for weeks. This does not happen when you fast a few times a week. Here’s a simple outline of how intermittent fasting works into someone’s schedule. I’ll explain how this can be adjusted to your liking later.

1. Eat normally until dinner (2-4 meals, not 6-8)

2. Eat your dinner but stop eating after that.

3. Fast until dinner the next day. (No calories consumed)

4. For that meal, he only eats a regular-size dinner.

In this approach, you continue to fast for a 24-hour period, but continue to eat every day. This is typically done 1-2 times a week. If you need to lose a lot of weight before a vacation or meeting, you can fast 3 times a week. I would only recommend this for a few weeks.

What you learn about yourself during the fast

When you fast, you’ll want to take note of any changes in the way you eat. Once you have completed a 24-hour fast several times, the reasons for what, when and why you eat can be revealed to you. Many of the reasons we eat are due to emotional connections or sheer habit and not actual hunger itself. Sometimes we are so conditioned to eat at certain times that we consume a meal when we are not hungry.

Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle, not a diet.

The reason why it is not considered a “diet” is because it does not restrict you to certain foods, recipes, combinations, instructions or tables to follow to lose weight. It frees you from obsessive compulsive eating habits and allows you variety. Rather than completely avoiding a particular food because someone told you to, adding a variety of foods will actually prevent you from overeating any type of “bad” food. Now that we’ve established this area of ​​fat loss, let’s move on to a deeper topic regarding diet and health.

What is the Phase One diet, also known as The Fungus Link?

Doug Kaufmann is the mastermind behind the idea that mushrooms and yeasts contribute to poor health and weight loss failures. He has researched and documented how fungi produce poisonous substances called “mycotoxins” that cause many health problems. He addresses the problem by addressing the areas where mold and yeast can enter the body, but also provides the solution by starving the fungus to reverse the symptoms of so many health problems in America. He has found that mushrooms, like people, crave specific carbohydrates. Knowing that mushrooms must have carbohydrates to thrive within the body makes the Phase 1 Diet understandable to use.

So what is allowed on the phase 1 diet?

This is the only “diet” I would recommend that actually restricts certain types of foods, but for a specific reason. The exclusion of certain foods is done momentarily to starve and kill the fungus, as well as to expose the root of the food cravings. Uncontrolled food cravings can be detrimental to your health, as can extra pounds on your belly, thighs, hips, you name it. Fungal overgrowth may, in fact, be the root of weight loss failure. while you are addicted to certain foods you will keep eating and eating without thinking. Many people find their health rises to a level where they can’t believe how great they feel. A big reason for this is due to choosing specific foods that starve and prevent fungal overgrowth. Many people are living better because of this innovative approach to eating. Here’s a quick rundown of the food choices that are acceptable on the Phase 1 Diet.

Example of Acceptable Foods for the Phase 1 Diet

1) Eggs

2) FRUIT: Berries, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Green Apples, Avocado, Fresh Coconut

3) MEATS: Virtually all meats, including fish, poultry, and beef.

4) VEGETABLES: Fresh, flawless vegetables and freshly made vegetable juice

5) DRINKS: Bottled or filtered water, non-fruity herbal teas, fresh lemonade sweetened with stevia, freshly squeezed carrot juice.

6) VINEGAR: apple cider vinegar

7) OILS: olive, grape, flax seed, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil

8) NUTS: Raw tree nuts, including pecans, almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pumpkin seeds. Stored nuts tend to accumulate mold, so be careful!

9) SWEETENERS: Stevia, Xylitol

10) DAIRY: Organic butter, organic yogurt, (use the following sparingly) cream cheese, unsweetened whipped cream, real sour cream.

Note: Again, these food choices are only allowed during the beginning of the diet. After a while, you are allowed to introduce more and more varieties of food, but only once the fungal overgrowth has been taken care of. There are a couple of phases that he’s built in so you’re not left at a loss for what to do next. Remember, the restriction of certain foods is only for a short period of time. I really believe that if you start this diet With intermittent fasting will take all the guesswork out of fat loss. Losing weight is nothing more than burning more calories than you are consuming. Intermittent fasting creates a huge calorie deficit, while the Phase 1 Diet breaks food addictions that make people overweight and succumb to health problems caused by fungus.

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