
Internet treasure hunt

Before I get into what my idea of ​​a great internet scavenger hunt would be, I have to ask the question: why isn’t there more demand for a great hunt? It seems like a great game, and I think a lot of people would want to participate. I guess there IS a demand for something really massive like this; I guess you haven’t been successful with the right people. Let’s get into it:

When I say scavenger hunt in this case, I’m not necessarily talking about “things” being hidden so much as trying to find clue after clue, and ultimately climax in Ultimate Clue or on the website.

What you ultimately want to do is design pages yourself with clues on each page. They can come in the form of words, of course. But the audio or video would be even better and seem more interactive to gamers (not to mention fun to do!).

Every web page players would go to would have little clues like, “A leopard never changes its _____.” Easy right? Of course. What you could do if you own your own domain is this: put a “/” after your domain name and create a page called “spots.html”. Players would have to type that in the address bar to find the page and access the next clue.

As for the clues, obviously, the example above is incredibly easy. Great for younger kids, but as they get a little older you could make the clues much more difficult and they might even correspond to what they are studying in school.

I think games like this make the world of learning much more entertaining for our children; our next generation of leaders!

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