
Is fructose robbing the liver of energy?

New research shows that a diet rich in fructose can deplete the liver’s stores of vital energy. Without these energy stores, your liver cells cannot perform important functions that keep you healthy.

Fructose differs from other sugars in that it requires a molecule called ATP to be metabolized. ATP chemically stores the energy that your body’s cells use to perform important cellular processes. Without ATP, your cells cannot work to maintain your health and life.

Obese and diabetic people are at higher risk of damaging their liver if they regularly consume a large amount of this sugar. This is because obese and diabetic people may already have an impaired ability to produce optimal amounts of ATP. With the addition of a large intake of fructose, they can seriously deplete the amount of ATP in your liver.

When you are constantly exposed to large amounts of fructose in combination with low levels of ATP, greater amounts of fat molecules are produced and stored in the liver. This can eventually lead to the development of a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NFALD. If NFALD is not treated, over time it can develop into more serious conditions such as hepatitis, liver failure, and death.

In addition to that, the amount of uric acid in your body can increase. Large amounts of uric acid can lead to gout, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and kidney stones.

Unfortunately, fructose can be addictive due to the fact that it has the sweetest taste of most sugars. It also has high availability, as it is found in many types of plants.

Due to these factors, it is the most common form of sugar added to sodas, candy, fruit juices, and many other processed foods. Other high-fructose foods include high-fructose corn syrup, honey, molasses, and dried figs.

If you eat a lot of processed foods, juices, and sodas, it’s important to read the labels first. This is especially true if you are already obese. Many of these foods contain high fructose corn syrup. Consuming too much of these highly processed foods can lead to liver damage, according to recent research.

You can significantly reduce your chances of developing liver disease by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. By preparing your own meals with fresh produce, you know exactly what you are eating. Instead of drinking soda and processed juices, make your own juice with fresh fruit and drink tea or water. You can flavor your tea and water with mint, fresh lemons, and Stevia.

We now know that consuming too much fructose can lead to liver damage, especially if you are obese or diabetic. To dramatically improve your health and fitness, eat less processed foods and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

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