Lifestyle Fashion

Its alive! – The importance of choosing living foods

You absorb the sun’s energy through the food you eat and also through your skin. Solar energy stored in food reaches cells in the form of tiny light particles. These light particles are called ‘biophotons’, which are the smallest physical units of light.

We all know that sunlight is vital: without the sun, it is virtually impossible for most forms of life to exist on this earth. In fact, we can all attest to the revitalizing effect that sunlight has on our spirits,
souls and bodies, especially after a long, dark and sad winter. Those first warm, sunny days of spring improve our mood and energy levels.

Dr. Johanna Budwig, a brilliant German biochemist, says that living foods are rich in electrons, they attract, store and conduct the sun’s energy in your body. The more light energy you have stored, the greater your electromagnetic field, which creates more energy available for healing and maintaining optimal health.

Consider this: the most basic building blocks in our bodies are cells. Cells group together to form tissues; tissues form organs. Our organs make up our 7 body systems. In nature we have 7 primary colors – the 7 colors of the rainbow. In music there are 7 notes. Just as musical instruments must be well tuned to produce beautiful music, all 7 systems of our body must be “in tune with nature”.

In fact, we can be considered as “human photocells”, whose basic nutrient is sunlight. Earlier I mentioned something called “biophotons”. They contain important biological information, which controls complex life processes in your body. These units of light actually have the power to order and regulate the functions of the body. When we are saturated with these, we enjoy greater feelings of vitality and well-being.

So why is this important to you? Simply put, the more sunlight a food can store, the more nutritious it is. The ability to store biophotons is a measure of the quality of your food.

What specific foods are we talking about? Your body was designed with the built-in ability to recognize the pure nutrition that nature provides, and whole foods are the purest form of nutrition available – they are alive! They carry bioelectrical energy and other complex nutritional messages that vibrate with frequencies that energize the body.

Specifically, naturally grown fresh vegetables and sun-ripened fruits are rich in light energy. Raw and live foods, such as sprouts, are particularly alive with this energy.

Minerals are particularly powerful sources of biophotons. Where do you find them? In raw and natural Celtic sea salt, seaweed, fish, bee pollen, properly soaked and/or sprouted grains, raw seeds and nuts. All the foods I suggest you start including in your meal plans.

The food you choose can not only nourish your body, but also your spirit and soul. Spiritual nutrition includes whole foods and the energetic qualities of foods. Please don’t be nervous and think this is a “new age” thing. I assure you that it is God’s way of creating the living foods that we are to use for fuel. Our bodies, souls, and spirits receive important information when we provide them with whole, fresh, and nutrient-dense foods.

So my suggestion to you is this: start including more raw and live foods in your daily meal plans. A very easy way to start is to simply eat a raw salad every day topped with sprouts; eat a few pieces of ripe fruit; and properly prepare your whole grains.

Remember that the Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 30:19 to choose life. Part of that is choosing the right fuels to fuel us. The next time you choose foods for your meal, ask yourself: is there any life in this?

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