Arts Entertainments

Jumping stilts – is the newest "Extreme" Extremely dangerous sports? – Here’s the real scoop

Are jumping stilts, the newest extreme sports equipment, extremely dangerous? One look at these radical new types of stilts will give any parent a pang of fear for their “baby”—that’s pretty much a given. “Not my son!” It can be a fairly typical parental reaction after seeing stilt jumping for the first time. Anything that has a person standing 18 inches taller on what seems like very small “hooves” on the end of very long springs just can’t be safe, right? And any parent on vacation submits a Google search to find out what Johnny meant by “jumping stilts.” on your yes-I-really-was-a-good-guy list you’ll find those wacky YouTube videos of crazy young men cartwheeling, flying, and bouncing through the cityscape like crazy maniacs without wearing helmets, pads, or even shirts.

So seriously, who could believe that this wild new extreme sport is safe?

It turns out, oh nervous father, that the extreme look of the jumping stilts does not translate into extreme danger. Yeah, you can breathe a sigh of relief now… ugh…

Here’s why: The inventor, German aerospace engineer Alexander Boeck, thought long and hard about the design of these crazy-looking stilts, and designed them so that when you’re strapped into them and standing tall, the stilts’ hooves are directly below your natural center of gravity. That turns out to be so much better than even those silly regular stilts we all tried on as kids that made you feel wobbly because your center of gravity was on the inside of the stilt, making walking on them uncomfortable. Most people who try stilt jumping find that they are surprisingly very comfortable and balanced on stilts.

But, says the concerned parent, what about the fact that my son can now bounce down the road to anywhere and since he can now jump up to six feet high, well, that’s a long way to fall?

That’s a fair point, dear dad, and that’s why all the experts in the sport say “wear your safety gear, no exceptions!” and “never try tricks on stilts that you haven’t tried in a gym!” In fact, most bockers (as jump stilt users call themselves after the inventor) will tell you that their safety gear (a helmet, as well as wrist, elbow, and knee pads) has saved them from scrapes. and bruises more than once. , and they wouldn’t go fucking without them. They also know to first learn their tricks without stilts, on a trampoline or gymnastics spring floor, and even then, to use mats when they first try those same new tricks on stilts.

Think back about 25 years ago, remember how crazy snowboarding seemed? Do you realize how normal it seems to be now? Hmm…could it be that new sports always seem more dangerous just because they’re new?

Do injuries happen to bockers? Honestly, yes, and usually, it’s because they were pushing their limits (and knew it) or they didn’t put on their safety gear. Gravity will always win if you try to cheat. The bottom line is that, just like in any extreme sport, the equipment itself is no more dangerous than a baby bunny. It’s how you use the equipment that determines the level of danger and potential injury, and with the right protective gear and following a few common sense rules, Johnny will be as safe as possible while experiencing the thrill of the world as a trampoline. in her new bocks that she received as a holiday present this year.

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