Lifestyle Fashion

Jumpking Ovalpod: Why Oval Is Better Than Round Trampolines

The Jumpking OvalPOD trampoline was introduced like new in 2008 and would mark the biggest turning point in trampoline design. Previous trampolines were round or rectangular. The round trampolines were meant to be fun for both kids and children, as they looked great and are much cheaper to produce. Rectangular trampolines, due to their superior rebounding experience, are intended for sports, competition, and have health benefits, such as increasing balance through training and endurance.

Rectangular trampolines have two main benefits over a round trampoline, first of all, as mentioned above, they provide superior rebound, this is strictly due to the design of the frame and how the material works with the stress points around the structure. Rectangle-shaped trampolines produce more power when bouncing due to the structure which in turn allows for a superior overhead jump.

Finally, the rectangular trampolines do not have one bounce zone, but three. The bounce zones are different areas in the surface material of the trampolines that allow it to reach the same height as the other. It is a perfect solution if you have two or three children who want to bounce on the trampoline, with no separate bouncing zones, two people on the same trampoline would bounce in the same direction, probably causing injury.

Round trampolines, while cheap and fun, are considered for kids and children because the structure does not allow for competition jumps, the round design cancels much of the upward force, resulting in less height and power from a jump .

Unfortunately, round trampolines fall under the bounce zone we discussed earlier, which is why round trampolines should only be used by one person at a time, to avoid collision injuries.

The Jumpking Ovalpod solves these problems to a great extent and allows for not only three bounce zones and a higher tension jump than a round trampoline type, the Jumpking OvalPOD shape means that placing the trampoline in your garden at the end will consume less grass space because the trampoline is much narrower than the round trampoline but has all the characteristics of a rectangular trampoline.

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